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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 18

          Mayor Adams, NYCEDC, Partners, Community Leaders Break Ground

                 on First-of-Its-Kind Film and TV Studio Campus in Manhattan

            Sunset Pier 94 Studios Expected to Create More Than 1,700 Jobs, $6.4 Billion in Economic

                                       Impact, and Significant Public Space Improvements

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-
              ams was joined this week by
        NNew York City Economic De-
        velopment Corporation (NYCEDC)
        President and CEO Andrew Kimball,
        Vornado Realty Trust, Hudson Pacific
        Properties,  Blackstone,  elected  offi-
        cials, and community leaders to break
        ground on Sunset Pier 94 Studios — a
        first-of-its-kind film and TV campus
        coming to Manhattan’s West Side.
        Leveraging  $350  million  in  private
        investment, the project is expected to
        create more than 1,700 jobs, including
        more  than  1,300  construction  jobs,
        add  $6.4  billion  to  the  local  econo-
        my over the next 30 years, as well as
        adding new public restrooms, sig-
        nificant public space and bike safety
        improvements, and a new workforce
        development program to connect                                                                        thrives. Welcome Sunset Pier 94!”
        New Yorkers. The start of construc-                                                                       Sunset Pier 94 Studios will be a
        tion represents major progress on a                                                                   first-of-its-kind space, home to state-
        site sitting vacant, where efforts to ad-                                                             of-the-art film, television, and content
        vance a project creating jobs and pub-                                                                production technology that will make
        lic open space have stalled for more                                                                  New York City even more competi-
        than a decade.                                                                                        tive with other cities. Sunset Pier 94
            The start of construction on Sun-                                                                 will also provide impressive amenities
        set Pier 94 Studios marks a major stop                                                                for all New Yorkers to enjoy, includ-
        on Mayor Adams’ “Working People’s                                                                     ing new public restrooms for Hudson
        Tour,” continuing to create jobs and                                                                  River Park, an 1,850-square-foot com-
        power New York City’s economic                                                                        munity amenity space, 25,000 square
        recovery after the city set an all-time                                                               feet of waterfront open space on the
        job record with 4.7 million total jobs,                                                               pier, and safety improvements to the
        recovering the nearly 1 million jobs                                                                  existing greenway. There will also be
        lost during the COVID-19 pandem-                                                                      a program to support workforce de-
        ic. The project at Pier 94 also delivers                                                              velopment and training programs to
        on key initiatives in Mayor Adams                                                                     connect residents to opportunities in
        and New York Governor Kathy Ho-   private investment to this public asset,   ria Torres-Springer. “I want to thank   film, television, commercial and other
        chul’s “Making New York Work for   activating this long-vacant space to   NYCEDC, Vornado, Hudson Pacific,   media production.
        Everyone” action plan, which recom-  create good-paying jobs, vibrant pub-  and Blackstone for working quickly to   “Manhattan Community Board
        mended new investments to build on   lic space, and exactly the amenities   reach this major milestone.”  4 applauds the transformation of Pier
        the city’s status as a hub for film and   this community has been asking for.”  “Congratulations to NYCEDC   94,”  said  Jeffrey  LeFrancois,  chair,
        TV — driving both the city’s economy   “After breaking New York City’s   and  partners  on  today’s  milestone   Manhattan  Community  Board  4.
        and its cultural and creative identity.  all-time record for jobs, our admin-  groundbreaking of the Sunset Pier 94   “The project will be a boon for film
            “New York City didn’t set an all-  istration forges ahead to ensure our   Studios, which is poised to become a   and television production and brings
        time jobs record by accident — we   economy remains the most competi-  major contributor to New York City’s   great improvements to Pier 94 for the
        did it by strategically protecting public   tive in the world and is accessible to   film and television production indus-  public: additional space to Hudson
        safety, investing in public space, and   all New Yorkers. Sunset Pier 94 Stu-  try,”  said  Mayor’s  Office  of  Media   River Park’s Clinton Cove, restrooms,
        supporting and delivering for working   dios is part of our inclusive growth   and Entertainment Commissioner   and significant improvements for cy-
        people. This project at Pier 94 will do   strategy and will cement New York   Pat Swinney Kaufman. “With an eco-  clists and pedestrians. It took a long
        all three, and we are excited to bring   City as the capital of world-class film   nomic impact of $82 billion and a role   time to get where we are, and the
        our ‘Working People’s Tour’ to the   and television production,” said Dep-  in supporting 185,000 jobs, it is easy to   community looks forward to a speedy,
        West Side,” said Mayor Adams. “Sun-  uty Mayor for Housing, Economic   say that when our city’s film and tele-  efficient,  and  effective  construction
        set Pier 94 Studios will bring a major   Development, and Workforce Ma-  vision industry thrives, New York City   process.”

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