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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                   NOVEMBER 01, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    8


                   A Time to Search Within

                                                                                                              open new ones in preparation for the
                “What is my fault?
               What’s my mistake?”                                                                            year ahead. There is an interesting
                                                                                                              question and answer in the Vachana-
               n  the  eighteenth  and  fi-                                                                   mrut, which mentions a businessman.
               nal day of the Mahabharat                                                                      A devotee asks, “If a person is trou-
        OWar, a mortally wounded                                                                              bled by lust, anger, and other vicious
        Duryodhan breaks the eerie silence                                                                    instincts, can they be eradicated?”
        of  the  battlefield  with  these  words                                                              Bhagwan Swaminarayan responds,
        of self-pity. Even on his deathbed,                                                                   “A businessman keeps a regular ac-
        Duryodhan is unable to recognize                                                                      count of all transactions. Similarly, if
        the mistakes that ruined his life. In                                                                 a person regularly tracks their baser
        these final moments, he searches for                                                                  instincts and evaluates the chang-
        ways to blame the Pandavas for the                                                                    es since entering Satsang, they will
        Great War. But history tells a differ-                                                                eliminate all vicious instincts.” Just
        ent story—it was Duryodhan who                                                                        as a businessman creates a profit and
        instigated  attempts  to  kill  the  Pan-                                                             loss statement at the end of the year,
        davas, it was Duryodhan who craved                                                                    we need to introspect spiritually and
        and plotted to see them penniless,                                                                    morally to assess how much we have
        and it was Duryodhan who refused                                                                      improved in the past year.
        to part with even a needle-tip-sized                                                                      His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma-
        area of land that rightfully belonged                                                                 haraj, the spiritual leader of BAPS
        to them. And now, he asks, “What                                                                      Swaminarayan Sanstha, often em-
        have I done wrong?”                                                                                   phasizes the importance of self-in-
            At this time, all he can see are the                                                              trospection, humility, and developing
        roses of noble deeds he performed,                                                                    inner purity. He encourages people
        but he fails to see the underlying                                                                    to look within for the root causes
        thorns of his misdeeds—thorns that                                                                    of  difficulties  rather  than  blaming
        punctured his happiness throughout                                                                    external circumstances, fostering
        his life. It was these thorns that made                                                               spiritual growth and self-awareness.
        him unable to tolerate any good that                                                                  In the scripture written by him, the
        happened to the Pandavas, mak-                                                                        Satsang Diksha, he writes, “With a
        ing his life miserable. Yet, he never                                                                 composed mind, one should intro-
        thought to remove those painful                                                                       spect every day: ‘What have I come
        thorns and enjoy the roses.                                                                           to accomplish in this world, and what
            Duryodhan’s question is not his                                                                   am I doing?’” (Shloka 145). This Di-
        alone. It is an eternal question, one                                                                 wali,  while we  enjoy  the  festivities,
        that is equally applicable today and                                                                  we should also embrace introspec-
        tomorrow, simply because every per-                                                                   tion. The key to success lies within,
        son, to a great or lesser extent, be-                                                                 but it must be sought. A philosopher
        lieves they are free of blame for any-                                                                once said:
        thing that goes wrong.                                                                                    “If you treat people with love and
            Students blame teachers for                                                                       are subjected to enmity, search within.
        their  poor  results; children  blame                                                                 If you selflessly help people and are met
        parents, and parents blame children                                                                   with non-cooperation, search within.
        for family discord; workers blame                                                                     If you treat people with respect and
        management,    and   management                                                                       are faced with hostility, search within.
        blames workers. Everyone blames   reach customers, protecting the com-  “One who has a good discriminating   In any activity that does not bring the
        each other, but nobody is prepared   pany’s reputation. Similarly, person-  sense will increasingly realize their   desired results, search within.”
        to shoulder the blame. Nobody is   al  progress  requires  introspection  own drawbacks... and if God or His   So, the answer to  the age-old
        willing to search within for their   and self-criticism. To grow, we must  holy sadhu speak harshly to them,   question, “What is my fault?” has
        faults, and nobody is bold enough to   regularly  assess  our  faults  and  take  they believe it to be for their own   but one response: “The biggest fault
        admit their mistakes and do some-  corrective action. This principle ap-  good.” A mindset that values correc-  is not seeing our own faults.” The
        thing about them. This is the root of   plies to sports teams as well, where  tion and continuous improvement is   only way to correct this is through
        the misery that plagues our lives.  players and managers must analyze  key to success in both personal devel-  constant  introspection  and humble
            Quality control is crucial in both   mistakes to improve.       opment and the competitive market.  prayer to God.
        industrial  production  and  life.  In   In the Vachanamrut, a compila-  On Diwali, during the chopda
        manufacturing, quality controllers   tion of spiritual discourses delivered  pujan ceremony, business owners     Lenin Joshi
        ensure  that  only  flawless  products   by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, he says,  close their existing account books and   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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