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OPINION NOVEMBER 01, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
India joins BBNJ Treaty: A New
Era for Ocean Governance
The article examines India signing the BBNJ Treaty, emphasizing its relevance
to sustainable ocean governance and biodiversity protection
n 25th September 2024, In-
dia made its commitment to
Othe protective measures for
ocean life and became a member of
the Biodiversity Beyond National Ju-
risdiction (BBNJ) Agreement, popu-
larly known as the “Treaty of the High
Seas.” Indian External Affairs Minis-
ter S. Jaishankar signed this landmark
international agreement in New York,
which aims to protect marine biologi-
cal diversity in areas beyond the juris-
dictional boundaries of independent
nations. The viewpoint will explore
how this agreement aligns with India’s
broader commitment to maritime
sustainable development while also
addressing the challenges and oppor-
tunities that come with signing such a
comprehensive treaty.
The High Seas Treaty
The High Seas Treaty or the
Biodiversity Beyond National Juris-
diction (BBNJ) Agreement depicts
a remarkable achievement in the
continuous efforts to protect marine India’s endorsement of the BBNJ Agreement is a game-changer in its policy towards the governance
biodiversity and enhance the global
governance of the oceans. This trea- and preservation of the high seas (Agency file photo)
ty, which was concluded in March
2023, tackles important problems, • Marine genetic resources, includ- Opportunities and Challenges prove the country’s understanding of
such as the degradation of the sea, ing the fair and equitable sharing of for India marine ecosystems. This would also
its reasonable use and the sharing of benefits pave the way for the development of
marine biological resources. As the • Measures, such as area-based man- ndia’s endorsement of the BBNJ marine science and technology, which
third implementation agreement un- agement tools, including Marine Agreement is a game-changer in is essential for overcoming environ-
der the United Nations Convention Protected Areas Iits policy towards the governance mentally sustainable development
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), • Environmental impact assessments and preservation of the high seas. As challenges at a national and global
following earlier agreements focused • Capacity-building and the transfer a result, India is now in a position to scale.
on seabed mining and fish stocks, the of marine technology extend its strategic reach outside the An additional key component
BBNJ Treaty aims to create a compre- Moreover, the BBNJ Treaty confines of its Exclusive Economic of the BBNJ Treaty is its provisions
hensive framework for managing the aligns with global biodiversity goals, Zone (EEZ) through more active on capacity building, with particular
vast, largely unregulated areas of the such as the commitment to protect participation in the community of attention to developing countries.
high seas, which cover nearly half of 30% of the world’s land, inland wa- nations that comprise the maritime India’s push for equitable sharing of
the Earth’s surface. ters and sea by 2030, set during the world. The BBNJ Agreement, on the benefits and its commitment to em-
Against such alarming indica- Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiver- other hand, is expected to improve powering less-capable countries can
tors as fish population depletion, in- sity Framework meeting in 2022. India’s ability to conserve marine re- foster regional collaboration and en-
creasing marine pollution and global This alignment enhances the sources, aligning with its commitment sure that all nations have the neces-
warming factors affecting oceans, the treaty’s relevance in the context of to sustainable development. sary tools to engage in effective ma-
need for a comprehensive way of gov- urgent global conservation needs, The treaty also encourages coop- rine governance.
ernance of marine resources comes as well as fostering accountability in eration in advancing marine science, India shows its dedication to mul-
out very clearly. The BBNJ Treaty preserving the health of oceanic eco- which will assist India in obtaining tilateralism in ocean governance by
seeks to address these four issues: systems. critical samples and data that will im- Continued on next page... >>