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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                   NOVEMBER 01, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 16

           Improving the Quality of Life

         of New Yorkers Block by Block

            Operation Restore Roosevelt builds on our public safety and quality-of-life initiatives on 14th
        Street and in Midtown by expanding our efforts block by block and neighborhood by neighborhood

                 to make sure our city continues to be a clean and safe place where families can thrive

                   ERIC ADAMS

              ecently, I was with community
              leaders and senior officials in
        Rour administration on Roos-
        evelt Avenue in Queens, which is one
        of the most diverse neighborhoods in
        our city. It is where New Yorkers from
        all over the world come to live, work,
        raise their families, and strive for the
        American Dream. However, Roos-
        evelt Avenue — a major thorough-    Homicides, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto are all down year to date. And transit crime is also down year to date. These are
        fare with the 7 train running above it                              significant achievements (File/Agency Photo)
        — has become a site of crime, disor-
        der, and exploitation as illegal broth-  operation led by the NYPD.  ty District Attorney’s Office.   crime reduction, and overall crime
        els, illicit vendors, and unlicensed   Operation  Restore  Roosevelt    We know that it takes all of us,  continues to trend downward in
        food carts have taken over and qual-  draws on the expertise of more than   working together, to ensure that   New York City. Homicides, burglary,
        ity-of-life offenses have skyrocketed.  a dozen city agencies, including the   these illegal brothels are closed, that   grand larceny, and grand larceny
            It  was  not  my  first-time  visit-
        ing the neighborhood. In January, I   NYPD, FDNY,  the  Department   the victims of sex trafficking are sup-  auto are all down year to date. And
                                          of Buildings, the Department of
                                                                            ported, and that residents and busi-
                                                                                                              transit crime is also down year to
        was there as we shut down 12 ille-  Environmental Protection, the De-  nesses can live and work in an area   date.  These  are  significant  achieve-
        gal  brothels.  And  year  to  date,  the   partment of Homeless Services, the   that is not bombarded by theft and   ments. But they are the result of con-
        NYPD has made over 3,000 arrests   Department of Health and Mental   illegal vendors.                 tinual hard work and coordinated ac-
        and issued over 9,500 summonses in   Hygiene, NYC Parks, the Depart-     Operation Restore Roosevelt   tion — like the work being done on
        the area. But we know arrests and   ment of Sanitation, the Depart-  builds on our public safety and qual-  Roosevelt Avenue.
        summonses alone won’t get the job
                                                                                                                  We came into office with a clear
        done, and that we must bring togeth-  ment of Small Business Services,  ity-of-life initiatives on 14th Street   mission: to make New York a safer,
                                          the Department of Transportation,  and in Midtown by expanding our
        er partners from across government   the Mayor’s Office to End Domes-  efforts block by block and neighbor-  more affordable city. And we will not
        to address the challenges on Roos-  tic and Gender-Based Violence,  hood by neighborhood to make sure   rest until we have accomplished that
        evelt Avenue and deliver upstream   and the Mayor’s Office of Commu-  our city continues to be a clean and   mission, block by block and street by
        solutions that tackle the problem at
        the source. That is why we answered   nity Mental Health.           safe place where families can thrive.  street, with every agency giving their
                                                                                I am proud to announce that
                                                                                                              all for the people of New York City.
                                              The initiative also involves our
        the calls of residents and businesses   partners at the MTA, the New York   thanks to our efforts, New York City
        by  launching “Operation Restore                                                                           Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        Roosevelt,”  a  massive  cross-agency   State Police, and the Queens Coun-  has seen nine straight months of   New York City, NY
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