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North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 01, 2024
         NYC Mayor Adams hosts 1,000 guests at

            Diwali celebrations in Gracie Mansion

          This event showcased New York City’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity, ensuring

                                     that all communities are recognized and celebrated

        OUR BUREAU
        New York City, NY

               n October 24th, 2024, Mayor
               Eric Adams welcomed more
        Othan 1000 guests to a lively
        reception celebrating Diwali at Gra-
        cie  Mansion.  This  significant  event
        provided a wonderful opportunity for
        various communities to unite in cele-
        bration of the Festival of Lights, a key
        festival in Indian culture.
            The celebration also featured sev-
        eral Indian vendors who highlighted
        the richness of Indian culture. Ven-
        dors  such  as  Vadilal  Industry  USA,
        managed by Ashwin Pandya, Ice Gola
        Express by Ankit Gandhi, and Suman
        Munjal Past president  of New  York
        Chapter, President Rakesh Bharga-
        va, Tejal Raval, Nina Vyas, Anil NA-
        RANG along with Indira Daga from
        World Vegan Vision, showcased a
        wide array of flavors and experiences
        for attendees.
            Mayor Eric Adams underscored
        the significance of celebrating diversi-
        ty and nurturing a sense of belonging
        within New York City, stating, “Diwa-
        li is a time for joy, illumination, and
        unity. This celebration brings together
        individuals from various backgrounds
        to  embrace  cultural diversity and
        strengthen our community. We are
        privileged to host this event and share
        the spirit of Diwali with all New York-
            A prominent  highlight  of  the  Indian vendors. His proactive efforts   forts  of  the  mayor’s  office  staff,  the  attendees’ understanding of the ad-
        evening was the participation of the   were crucial in fostering a smooth   event was meticulously organized,  vantages linked to plant-based eating.
        World Vegan Vision,  established   collaboration that ensured the partic- emphasizing the significance of vegan-  Overall, the event not only cele-
        by H.K./ Malti Shah and facilitated   ipation of these vendors in the Diwali   ism in promoting health, sustainability,  brated vegan cuisine but also served
        by Vice Chairman Satish Karnidkar.  festivities.                    and compassion. Every dish served   as a platform for advocacy, education,
        They generously provided delicious    This recent event, focused on   was  plant-based,  reflecting  the  orga- and community engagement, making
        plant-based vegan mithai (sweets)  a vegan theme, was a remarkable   nization’s core values and inspiring  a lasting impression on participants.
        and savory treats, aligning perfectly  gathering that underscored the com- guests to consider adopting a vegan   The Diwali reception  at Gracie
        with the event’s theme of promot- mitment to plant-based living. The in- lifestyle.                   Mansion symbolized unity, fostering
        ing environmental sustainability and   volvement of the World Vegan Vision   Nitin Vyas also delivered im- intercultural understanding and re-
        plant-based lifestyles.           Organization, represented by their  pactful remarks about veganism’s   spect. This event showcased New York
            Nitin Vyas, the Public Relations  Global Public Relations Director, Ni- benefits  for  community  health  and  City’s unwavering commitment to
        Director, played a pivotal role in con- tin Vyas, greatly enriched the occasion.  environmental preservation. His in- inclusivity,  ensuring that  all  commu-
        necting  the  mayor’s  office  with  the   Thanks to the collaborative ef-  sights played a vital role in enhancing  nities are recognized and celebrated.

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