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BIG STORY NOVEMBER 01, 2024 | The Indian Eye 4
Recalled Indian High Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma Canada says Canada
has zero evidence against India’s in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
He also accuses the Canadian intelligence of protecting the separatists
New Delhi/ Ottawa
ecalled Indian High Commis-
sioner to Canada Sanjay Ku-
Rmar Verma, who was targeted
by Justin Trudeau’s government as
a ‘person of interest’ in the murder
investigation of Khalistani terrorist
Hardeep Singh Nijjar reiterated to-
day that “not a shred of evidence was
shared” with him by the Canadian
In an interview, he said that
Canada has “Zero, zilch, nothing”
as evidence against alleged ‘India’s
hand’ in the killing of Khalistani ter-
rorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Stating
that India is also an English-speak-
ing country in a way, Verma also
questioned the term “credible alle-
gations,” which PM Justin Trudeau
had used in the Canadian Parlia-
ment, saying, “What are credible al-
legations? Either they are credible or
they are allegations.”
Verma further questioned the
legal inaction of the Canadian gov- Indian envoy Verma was recalled from Canada after the country said he was a person of interest in the Hardeep Singh Nijjar murder case (File photo)
ernment and emphasized the lack of
legally acceptable evidence, saying, want to act upon the evidence then “credible allegations” of India’s hand any “evidentiary proof”, Verma said,
“Why have they not gone to the court you give to us, it has to be legally ac- in the killing of Nijjar. “RCMP is the federal agency with
of law in Canada?” ceptable,” Verma said. India has denied all the alle- federal oversight of investigations.
“Zero zilch. Nothing. So, so far Verma was recalled from Can- gations, calling them “absurd” and So, they are still conducting...noth-
what I have heard is what they keep ada after the country said he was a “motivated” and has accused Can- ing has been concluded. And that is
saying in the media, credible alle- person of interest in the Hardeep ada of giving space to extremist and what baffles me. How can a responsi-
gations are there. No, come on. We Singh Nijjar murder case; however, anti-India elements in their country. ble head of government say what the
are also an English-speaking country he denied all charges levelled against Nijjar, who was designated a investigations are going on, and what
in a way. So, what are credible alle- him by Ottawa in connection with the terrorist by India’s National Investi- are the contents of the ongoing inves-
gations? Either they are credible or killing of Khalistani terrorist Hard- gation Agency in 2020, was shot and tigation? In most of the law-abiding
they are allegations. So, no evidence eep Singh Nijjar. killed outside a Gurdwara in Surrey country, this is a crime. That you are
present, shared with us, no evidence, The ties between India and in June last year. an official, you are a government of-
nothing which is judicially, legally ac- Canada soured after Prime Minister Expressing his shock at the alle- ficial as the head of the government.
ceptable presented to us. We are a Justin Trudeau alleged in the Cana- gations made by Canada while inves- And you are spilling the beans.”
country of the rule of law. So, if you dian Parliament last year that he had tigating the case without providing Continued on next page... >>