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BIG STORY                                                         NOVEMBER 01, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    5

            Verma also asserted that the                                                                      serted Khalistani extremists and ter-
        RCMP is still conducting the in-                                                                      rorists are challenging Indian territo-
        vestigation. Reiterating his state-                                                                   rial integrity and sovereignty.
        ment about why Canada has not                                                                             “These are Canadian citizens
        approached the court, Verma said,                                                                     challenging Indian territorial integri-
        “What is stopping them from pre-                                                                      ty and sovereignty. As long as these
        senting to their court of law legally                                                                 people, these Khalistani extremists
        acceptable so-called evidence? So,                                                                    and terrorists keep talking about
        for all I know, there is no evidence.                                                                 Canada, I have no issues. That’s their
        These are hearsay. So even if you                                                                     domestic issue. They can do whatev-
        look at the Foreign Interference                                                                      er they want. As soon as they look at
        Commission hearings, it’s going on,                                                                   dividing India, then it is my problem.
        in the last phase. In most of the doc-                                                                And that problem, I will certainly
        uments where India was mentioned,                                                                     take to the Canadian authorities to
        it says, in many instances, it says, this                                                             say that listen, you have to resolve
        information is single-sourced,” Ver-                                                                  this,” Verma said
        ma said.                                                                                                  “They want a country for them-
            The recalled Indian envoy fur-                                                                    selves. I would say if Canada wants
        ther  stated  that  Khalistani  extrem-                                                               them to be there and they are so
        ists and terrorists are all India bait-                                                               kind to them, Canada is a huge
        ers and they do not have an interest                                                                  country. Give a space to them, call it
        in better Canada-India relations.                                                                     Khalistan,” Verma said. He affirmed
        “These Khalistani extremists and                                                                      that “if Khalistan is to be made, it is
        terrorists are all India baiters. They   The ties between India and Canada soured after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged in the   in Canada, never in India.”
        do not have an interest in Canada-In-  Canadian Parliament last year that he had “credible allegations” of India’s hand in the killing   Verma said that the Khalistani
        dia relations either on their mind,                   of Nijjar (File/Representative photo)           elements had managed to build a nar-
        better Canada-India relations. So,                                                                    rative that they represented the Sikh
        if you source your information like                                                                   community in Canada which was not
        that without any corroboration, sin-  time  he  felt  threatened  physically?   us would be, you know, being nice,   true. “Indo-Canadian community is
        gle-source information, you can draw   Sanjay Verma replied, “ Threatened,   nice cities. But then the final objec-  those people who are Canadian cit-
        whatever conclusion you want, but   yes. But did I become threatened?   tive of diplomacy happens to be to   izens of Indian origin. 98% of them
        that cannot be treated as evidence,”   No. In most of my public events,   safeguard your national interest.   go about doing what they do living
        he added.                         there will be these hooligans out-  National interest could be improving   peacefully, taking care of the family,
            Sanjay Verma was recalled from   side shouting slogans against India,   relationships. National interest could   contributing to the Canadian econ-
        Canada after the country said he was   but also against me. Some of them   be  raising  awareness  against  these   omy, etc. But others are very vocal.
        a person of interest in the Hardeep   are very burly-looking tall guys who   Khalistani goons. All these are na-  And as we have said that those babies
        Singh Nijjar murder case; however,   would also gesture to physically harm   tional interests,” he said.  who cry louder will get attention.”
        he denied all charges levelled against   me, but just the gestures, except for   Sanjay Verma clearly said that   Defending his remarks that
        him by Ottawa.                    a few incidents. And so, they tried.”  only a small percentage of Canadian   some Khalistani extremists and ter-
            Sanjay Kumar Verma, on Friday     High Commissioner Verma said   Sikhs supported the Khalistani cause   rorists are “deep assets” of the Ca-
        shared a terrifying moment when   that he was there to serve India’s na-  and if Canada cared about that then   nadian Security Intelligence Service
        Khalistani ‘goons’ came very close to   tional interest and was committed to   they should “give a place to them and   (CSIS), Indian envoy Sanjay Kumar
        bodily harm him and attacked him   doing so. “So, diplomacy for most of   call it Khalistan”. Sanjay Verma as-  Verma has said that Canadian Prime
        with a ‘sharp object’ most likely a ‘kir-                                                             Minister Justin Trudeau made alle-
        pan’ in Alberta that could potentially                                                                gations  against  India  “without  evi-
        harm him. Sanjay Verma said, “All                                                                     dence” and he also made remarks in
        these attempts to harm me bodily,                                                                     the same vein.
        that was in the presence of Royal Ca-                                                                     He was asked if Canada will
        nadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and                                                                      accept his allegations of Khalistani
        the local police and the local police                                                                 terrorists and extremists are the
        on the ground took immediate ac-                                                                      deep assets of the Canadian intelli-
        tion, pushed him away because there                                                                   gence agency.
        was a sharp weapon and the RCMP                                                                           “As Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
        then whisked me from the side door                                                                    got up in parliament and accused
        to the venue.”                                                                                        Govt of India agents to have orches-
            “It was in Alberta. I am not an                                                                   trated murder on Canadian soil, I said
        expert on Canadian law about open                                                                     in the same way that the Khalistani
        carrying so I will not be able to say                                                                 terrorists and extremists are the deep
        that. But most likely they would have                                                                 assets of the Canadian intelligence
        said that it was ‘kirpan’ which is a                                                                  agency. He (Trudeau) said without ev-
        small blade whereas they had swords                                                                   idence, and So am I. Will you accept
        in their hand. They could come very,                                                                  my conclusion? This is what I wanted
        very close to me,” said Verma.                                                                        to say that nothing should be accepted
            When asked if the incident was                                                                    without credible evidence, allegations
        reported, Sanjay Verma said, “It was   Canadian High Commissioner to India Cameron Mackay leaves the Ministry of External Affairs   are just allegations. Therefore, I am
        all reported and we were told that in-  (MEA) Headquarters after he was summoned by the MEA in a reciprocal move to Canada   not exactly saying there are connec-
        vestigations are on.”                       expelling a senior Indian diplomat, in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI)  tions but there may be connections,”
            When asked if he at any point in                                                                  Verma said.

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