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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 12

          Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with U.S. President Joe Biden and Australia’s Prime    USS Ronald Reagan patrolling the
                     Minister Anthony Albanese at Quad Summit in Tokyo (ANI)                         South China Sea region

        increasing its troop presence in the   new base in Henoko, indicates that   which  outlined  a  detailed  financial   nounced the Indo-Pacific Partnership
        Darwin and Guam bases. The Phil-  such sentiments are still strong.  breakup for promoting US security   for Maritime Domain Awareness.
        ippines was criticized for opening the   After the Pivot, there was a note-  and economic interests in the In-  The AUKUS agreement be-
        region to a higher possibility of great   worthy rise in active military and ci-  do-Pacific Region.  tween the US, UK and Australia,
        power contestation between the US   vilian personnel deployed by the US                               which involves the transfer of US
        and China.                        to Japan. The number of deployed   Under President Joe Biden,       nuclear naval propulsion technology
            The US withdrew from the TPP   personnel to Japan was 55,278 as of                                to  Australia,  is  a  further  significant
        right after Obama’s presidency, even   September 2011, and by December  meanwhile, a renewed mul-     move reinforcing the capabilities of
        as China’s regional integration initia-  2015, it grew to 78,092. However, un-  tilateral economic emphasis   a key regional ally to counter securi-
        tives such as the Belt and Road and   der Trump, the number fell to 46,334                            ty threats. In the latest US National
        the  Regional  Comprehensive  Eco-  as of December 2016. The number of  towards the region as a whole  Security Strategy, released on 12
        nomic Partnership (RCEP) gathered   troops stood at 62,722, as of June 2022.  came through the Indo-Pacific   October 2022, the Biden administra-
        steam. While the Trump administra-    Even though the Trump admin-                                    tion argues that “no region will be of
        tion’s anti-China focus remained in-  istration dis-engaged multilaterally  Economic Framework (IPEF).   more  significance  to  the  world  and
        tact, the US increasingly dissociated   from  the  region,  the  ‘Indo-Pacific’                       to everyday Americans than the In-
        from its commitments to the region.   became  a  construct  of  significance   The IPEF’s agenda include   do-Pacific”.
        Trump, for instance, withdrew from   in US foreign policy during his presi-  trade, supply chain resilience, eco-  A decade after the pivot, there-
        the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a cor-  dency, as evident from the renaming   nomic resilience and clean energy   fore, with an ascendant China loom-
        nerstone of Obama’s Pivot, in Jan-  of the US Pacific Command (USPA-  and decarbonization. To strengthen   ing large in the regional geo-strategic
        uary 2017. Marking a break from   COM) as the US Indo-Pacific Com-  regional security engagements, the   framework, US strategic priori-
        Obama’s emphasis on regional mul-  mand (USINDOPACOM) in 2018.      Biden administration tabled the Pa-  ties  towards  the  Indo-Pacific  have
        tilateralism, Trump did not attend   Additionally, the Trump administra-  cific  Deterrence  Initiative  (PDI)  in   been well and truly reinforced and
        the ASEAN Summits in 2018, 2019   tion announced the Asia Reassur-  May 2021 and the US along with the   strengthened.
        and 2020, while also declining to be   ance Initiative Act (ARIA) in 2018,   other  Quad  member  countries  an-
        a part of the East Asia Summits of                                                                     Anushka Saxena is pursuing her Mas-
        2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.                                                                             ter’s degree in International Relations
            The Trump administration re-                                                                       from the O.P Jindal Global University,
        mained engaged with Middle East                                                                        India, and is concurrently working as
        contentions, curating the Abraham                                                                       a Research Intern with the Institute
        Accords and also withdrawing from                                                                       of Chinese Studies, New Delhi. She
        the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac-                                                                    has completed her Bachelor’s degree
        tion (JCPOA).                                                                                           in History from the Lady Shri Ram
            The security tenet of the Pivot                                                                   College for Women, University of Delhi.
        also  faced issues on  the  US–Japan                                                                    Her research interests include Chi-
        front,  due  to  debates  regarding the                                                                na-Taiwan Cross-Strait Relations and
        relocation of US marines from  the                                                                           maritime geopolitics.
        Futenma base in Okinawa prefec-                                                                        Views expressed are of the author and
        ture, to a new base in Henoko Bay in                                                                   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        the same prefecture. While the Japa-                                                                   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        nese federal government made pro-                                                                            Government of India.
        visions for the relocation, the local
        government and the people of He-                                                                         This article first appeared in the
        noko Bay were against it. The recent                                                                  Comments section of the website (www.
        re-election of Denny Tamaki as Gov-                                                           of Manohar Parrikar Institute
        ernor of Okinawa, who campaigned              China has become a major naval force in the past one decade  for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
        on preventing the development of a                                                                         Delhi on October 27, 2022

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