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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 10

               A DECADE OF US ‘PIVOT TO ASIA’:

                  A look at the American strategic

        framework for the Indo-Pacific region

                     The AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, which involves the transfer
             of US nuclear naval propulsion technology to Australia, is a further significant move reinforcing the

                                      capabilities of a key regional ally to counter security threats

        ANUSHKA SAXENA                                                       US Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden

              he ‘Pivot to Asia’, the strategic   anese territorial waters. China also   ances the US made especially to Aus-  commitment to the economic inte-
              rebalance announced by Pres-  made economic inroads in Southeast   tralia were widely welcomed. The US   gration of the region.
        Tident Barack Obama in 2011       Asia through trade-linked incentives.   announced additional troop deploy-
        and early 2012, marked a significant   China’s rise severely threatened the   ments to Australia, from 250 to 2,500   For US partners in the Indo-Pa-
        shift in US foreign policy priorities   regional order and the interests of   marines at the Darwin base. The US   cific,  namely  the  Philippines,
        from the Middle East to the Asia-Pa-  the US and its allies like Japan and   made  similar  military  commitments
        cific.  While  speaking  at  the  Austra-  Australia.               to Singapore and the Philippines as   Japan and Australia, the an-
        lian  Parliament  in  November 2011,   The Pivot was a welcome policy   well, while promising to make US   ti-China bend of the pivot
        Obama stated that as a Pacific nation,   change for US allies in the Asia-Pa-  military presence in East Asia “more
        “the United States will play a larger   cific,  with  analysts  noting  that  the   broadly  distributed,  more  flexible,   was assuring, given that they
        and long-term role in shaping this   US giving priority to Asia was “long   and more politically sustainable”.  were engaged in maritime dis-
        region  and  its  future,  by  upholding   overdue”. When the then Secretary   The US also engaged in nego-
        core principles and in close partner-  of State Hillary Clinton visited the   tiations  on  the  Trans-Pacific  Part-  putes with China. To show the
        ship with our allies and friends.” The   ASEAN Secretariat in 2009, ASE-  nership  (TPP)  with  11  Pacific  Rim   US’ commitment to the pivot,
        ‘Pivot’ comprised an enhancement of   AN Secretary-General Surin Pitsu-  economies—Australia, Brunei, Can-
        America’s military and security en-  wan stated that her visit showed “the   ada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico,   Obama invited Japan, Australia
        gagement as well as the expansion of   seriousness of the United States to   New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and   and Vietnam, for the first time,
        its economic and commercial lever-  end its diplomatic absenteeism in the   Vietnam. Obama’s interest in joining
        age  in  the  ‘Asia-Pacific’  region,  at  a   region”. Domestic politics, an im-  this trade deal, as he famously artic-  to participate in the joint bilat-
        time when it was mired in ‘forever   portant driver  of  American  foreign   ulated in 2015, was that “if we don’t   eral US–Philippines naval exer-
        wars’ in the Middle East.         policy, also turned against the US’s   write the rules, China will write the
            The  pivot  was  announced  at  a   continued engagement in the Middle   rules out in that region”, indicating   cise, Balikatan in 2012.
        time when China was becoming more   East. As per a 2011 Pew Survey, 57   clearly the containment tenet of the
        aggressive in its neighborhood. Its   per cent of the respondents opposed   TPP. This was at a time when the   However, not all ASEAN coun-
        territorial claims spanned the Sprat-  the war in Iraq, while 52 per cent op-  trade  deficit  with  China  was  US$   tries, especially Indonesia, were
        ly and Paracel islands in the South   posed the Afghan war.         282 billion in 2011. The TPP assured   comfortable with the idea of the US
        China Sea, as well as islands in Jap-  As part of the pivot, the assur-  member states of America’s renewed   Continued at next page... >>

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