Page 16 - The Indian EYE 102822
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 OCTOBER 28, 2022
Colors, Lights and Food Mark Joyous
Diwali Celebrations at BAPS Shri
Swaminarayan Mandir, Chantilly, VA
Chantilly, VA
n October 22, 2022, colors,
lights and food fused with
Ojoy and tradition, as Diwali –
The Festival of Lights – was celebrat-
ed at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan
Mandir in Chantilly, VA. Diwali is
the most widely celebrated festival by
Indian and Hindus around the world.
October is being celebrated as Hin-
du Heritage Month, and community
leaders as well as policy makers, in-
cluding US President Joe Biden, are
participating in lighting lamps and
offering best wishes for the festivities.
Visitors were greeted with a fes-
tive and traditional welcome at the
temple entrance by a colorful Rango-
li, an ornate floor design made from
colored powder, displaying various
traditional Hindu symbols.
Special guests that attended
the Diwali celebration includ-
ed US Congresswoman Jennifer
Wexton, Candidate for US Con- learning about the swami (Pramukh set the stage for the most significant year ahead, and also had the oppor-
tunity to partake in prasadam (sanc-
ritual of Diwali, ‘Annakut’. Annakut,
Swami) was amazing. Hearing about
gress Captain Hung Cao, Dull- his legacy of nonviolence, kindness, which literally means ‘a mountain of tified food).
Diwali traditions are founded in
es District Supervisor Matthew and of taking care of everybody and food’, is traditionally offered to God deep spiritual meaning and encour-
to celebrate the beginning of the
everything he did in his career (life)
Letourneau, Loudoun Supervi- was absolutely amazing. It’s wonder- Hindu New Year. age communities to reflect at each
Candidate for US Congress
sor Kristen Umstattd, Virginia ful to see so many young people par- Hung Cao said “what I love about step of the celebrations. The ancient
tradition of lighting diyas, or tradi-
ticipating because it’s always inspir-
State Delegate Suhas Subra- ing to see young people come from this area is the different cultures and tional lamps, symbolizes the transi-
manyam, Candidate for Lees- another country and bring their cul- to see different backgrounds come tion from darkness to light. While the
ture with them. That is fantastic be-
together and celebrate. I love the
lamps lit on Diwali erase the physical
burg Mayor Kelly Burk, Can- cause it really only takes one genera- food obviously. The food is always darkness, the festival’s rich traditions
didate for VA House Kannan tion to lose the language, the culture the thing that draws everyone to- and rituals help individuals remove
the darkness from within, in forms
through food, dance and everything
gether. It draws people together and
Srinivasan and several others. like music. Young people participat- makes everybody happy.” of anger, envy, greed, arrogance, and
ing did a fantastic job setting up the At mandirs across North Amer- resentment. The celebrations and
US Congresswoman Jennifer whole exhibition.” ica, the glow of the lights, bright traditions observed during the Diwali
Wexton said “I had a really wonder- In preparation for the festivities, colors, and festive ambiance at the period present an opportunity to re-
ful visit. Absolutely beautiful, beau- many devotees, young and old, gave mandirs welcomed visitors as they flect and introspect on one’s person-
tiful, beautiful arrangements and ev- their time to help create decorations, took in the colors of the rangoli. Vis- al, professional, and spiritual growth,
erything. Felt so welcomed and just prepare for children’s Diwali, and itors joyfully offered prayers for the Continued at next page... >>