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BIG STORY                                                               OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          9

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                                                                  Vinod Khosla

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        deep appreciation in the US  tering over 100 crore Covid-19  second dose of the Covid-19  tered more shots of the second
        that we have crossed the one bil- vaccine jabs, Communist Party  vaccine. In today’s address to the  dose as compared to ours. Pre-
        lion landmark and all through  of India (Marxist) General Sec- nation, the Prime Minister did  viously, the Prime Minister had
        the vaccines manufactured in  retary Sitaram Yechury on Fri- not speak on issues like rising  given the assurance that by the
        India.” India attained the mile- day raised concern over rising  fuel prices, unemployment and  end of the year, all the adults in
        stone of administering 100 crore  fuel prices, unemployment and  hunger in the country.” Yechury  the country will be vaccinated
        COVID-19 vaccines on Thurs- hunger.                                      further said, “Vaccine century is  but this assurance seems far-
        day morning. Several world              Speaking to reporters, Ye- an achievement in itself but one  fetched.”
        leaders congratulated India on  chury  said,  “I  congratulate  the  must know that there are only                No doubt, giving 1 billion jabs
        this achievement.                    countrymen on this accomplish- two countries in the world that  to people is a milestone. But In-
            But, while appreciating the  ment. However, I believe that  have a population of more than  dia has a long way to go before it
        Central government for achiev- only 21 per cent of the popu- 125 crores. The other country  fully vaccinates its massive popu-
        ing the landmark of adminis- lation is administered with the  (hinting at China), has adminis- lation of 1.34 billion people.

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