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NATION                                                                  OCTOBER 22, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          10

                          afghanisTan crisis

                   as world worries about terror

                attacks, pakistan Govt bats for

                     funds to taliban government

            Taliban’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid says that India affirmed to provide

                 humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan at the Moscow Format Dialogue

        Our Bureau

        Moscow/New Delhi

            n a big development, mem-
            ber countries taking part in
        Ithe Moscow Format Dia-
        logue in a joint statement ex-
        pressed concern over the use
        of Afghan soil by proscribed
        terrorists. Russia on Thursday
        expressed concerns over the in-
        creasing presence of ISIS and
        Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan after
        the Taliban take over. Delhi is
        also accusing Pakistan spy agen-
        cy of supporting anti-India ter-
        ror groups Lashkar-e-Toiba and
        Jaish on Afghan soil.
            Interestingly, India, Pakistan
        and the Taliban took part in 10
        nation Moscow format talks. A                taliban delegation at the moscow Format meet on afghanistan, in moscow on wednesday. (aNi)
        joint statement issued after talks
        stated, “being concerned about  over the deteriorating econom- this year.                                     ful”  and  “stable”  Afghanistan,
        the activities of proscribed ter- ic  and  humanitarian  situation           Pakistan has been accused of     reported  Dawn.  He  reportedly
        rorist organizations in Afghan- in Afghanistan, the sides ex- overtly and covertly supporting                 highlighted the importance of
        istan, the sides reaffirmed their  pressed confidence in the need  the Taliban.                               “national reconciliation” and an
        willingness to continue to pro- for the international community              Earlier, Prime Minister of       “inclusive”  political  structure.
        mote security in Afghanistan to  to mobilize consolidated efforts  Pakistan Imran Khan on Mon-                    Notably, the Taliban has not
        contribute to regional stability.” to provide urgent humanitarian  day urged the world community              been recognized by any country
            Participating countries also  and economic assistance to the  to release the frozen assets of             so far. However, thousands of Af-
        called on the current Afghan  people of Afghanistan in the  Afghanistan and engage with the                   ghans have received humanitari-
        leadership to take further steps  post-conflict  reconstruction  of  Taliban administration and pro-          an assistance within a week from
        to improve governance and to  the country.                               vide humanitarian assistance to      September 27 to October 3 across
        form a truly inclusive govern-          In this context, the sides have  prevent an “economic collapse”       Afghanistan, a United Nations
        ment  that  adequately  reflects  proposed to launch a collective  of the country.                            agency said earlier this month.
        the interests of all major eth- initiative to convene a broad-               According to Dawn, Khan              But  Taliban’s  interim  gov-
        nopolitical forces in the country. based international donor con- made this appeal to the inter-              ernment’s  Deputy  Prime  Min-
            “This will be a fundamental  ference under the auspices of  national community during his                 ister  Abdul  Salam  Hanafi  has
        prerequisite for the completion  the United Nations as soon as  meeting with the outgoing Jap-                said that Afghanistan is stabi-
        of the national reconciliation  possible.                                anese Ambassador, Kuninori           lized now and no country will be
        process in  Afghanistan,” the           Taliban had taken over Af- Matsuda at the Prime Minister’s            threatened by it, a media report
        joint statement added.               ghanistan overtaking the demo- House. Imran Khan also stressed           said. Speaking at the Moscow
            Expressing deep concern  cratic government on August 15  on Pakistan’s interest in a “peace-                 Continued on next page... >>

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