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BIG STORY OCTOBER 22, 2021 | The Indian Eye 8
most during a second wave of the Indian people. Thank you
infections of the Delta variant also, India, for supporting Mal-
between April and May. dives’ Covid-19 recovery and
But there are serious causes vaccination efforts,” he tweeted.
of concern. In reply to a tweet by Mal-
A “sizeable number” of peo- dives President, the Prime Min-
ple in India have not taken their ister said: “Thank you President
second dose by the due date @ibusolih for your kind wishes.
despite adequate supplies, the I am pleased to see the progress
health ministry said on Tuesday, of the vaccination drive in the
as new infections fell to their Maldives. As neighbours and
lowest since early March. Daily close friends, our partnership to
shots have averaged 5 million overcome COVID-19 has borne
this month, a fifth of September’s fruit.”
peak, though states are sitting on Israeli Prime Minister Nafta-
record stocks of more than 100 li Bennett lauded Prime Minis-
million as domestic output of the A beneficiary receives a dose of COVID-19 vaccine on the day of India's com- ter Modi on leading India’s suc-
AstraZeneca vaccine soars. pleting 100 crores vaccination dose mark, in Kolkata on thursday. (aNi Photo) cessful COVID-19 vaccination
Despite the current low campaign.
number of infections, ministry “Congratulations to @na-
officials have been urging peo- rendramodi on leading India’s
ple to get vaccinated fast, espe- successful COVID-19 vaccina-
cially as the ongoing festival sea- tion campaign that has now ad-
son means family gatherings and ministered more than 1 billion
mass shopping, raising the risk vaccines to the Indian people.
of a new wave of infections. These life-saving vaccines are
According to the govern- helping us all defeat the glob-
ment’s Cowin data, India has al pandemic,” Bennett said in a
been able to fully vaccinate just Twitter post.
30.8% of the nation’s 940 mil- Modi marked the occasion
lion adult population, while by interacting with healthcare
43.7% of its population has re- workers and a security guard at
ceived single jabs of the vaccine. a government hospital in New
It was able to achieve this feat in Delhi. The health ministry an-
278 days since the government sand artist sudarsan Pattnaik created sand art on the successful comple- nounced musical and other pro-
initiated the vaccination drive on tion of 100 crore coViD-19 vaccine doses, in Puri on thursday. (aNi Photo) grammes across the country, and
January 16 this year. special illuminations of national
According to Our World in Union has given 129.2 doses per on India crossing the 100 crore monuments including a colo-
Data, India has administered 100 people of its population. COVID-19 vaccinations mark. nial-era jail.
more vaccines than the Europe- But Niti Aayog Vice Chair- Several world leaders congratu- Nearly 90% of the vaccines
an Union, US, Japan, and Ger- man Rajiv Kumar lauded Prime lated India on this achievement. administered in India have
many. In fact, India has admin- Minister Narendra Modi’s lead- In reply to a tweet by Bhutan come from the Serum Institute
istered more vaccine doses than ership and said India is going on Prime Minister Lotay Tsher- of India (SII), which produces
any other country except China, the right path under his leader- ing, Prime Minister Modi said: a licensed version of the Astra-
the only two countries that have ship. Rajiv Kumar said, “This “Thank you Lyonchhen Lotay Zeneca drug. SII has more than
given a billion jabs to their pop- achievement is historic. It tells Tshering for your kind words on tripled its capacity since April
ulation. Our World in Data is us if we Indians are determined this historic occasion. We deeply and can now produce 220 mil-
a collaborative effort between about something, we can achieve cherish our friendship with Bhu- lion vaccine doses a month.
researchers at the University it.” He said, “We’re going on the tan! India remains committed Meanwhile, Indian envoy to
of Oxford, and Global Change right path under PM Modi’s in our fight against COVID-19 the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu,
Data Lab to collate worldwide leadership.” together with the region and the has said that there is “very strong
data on Covid-19. Further, he highlighted that world.” and deep appreciation” in the
However, if seen as doses India would achieve the target Maldivian President Ibra- United States as India achieved
per 100 people, India’s number of vaccinating the entire popula- him Mohamed Solih took to the one billion COVID-19 vac-
is well behind those of other tion by December end and said, Twitter to congratulate India for cinations milestone.
countries. So far, India has ad- “This achievement is proof that administering 1 billion doses of Speaking at Public Affairs
ministered 77.7 doses per 100 the way we are working, the tar- Covid-19 vaccines. “Congratu- Forum of India’s 8th National
persons, lagging behind US that get of vaccinating the entire pop- lations to PM @narendramodi Forum 2021 on Thursday, Sand-
has administered 121.5 doses, ulation by December end would and the government of India for hu said: “It is a very proud mo-
Germany has 132 doses per 100 be accomplished.” administering 1 billion doses of ment for us and I can tell you
people of its population, China Also, Modi has thanked Covid-19 vaccines, displaying that there is very strong and
is at 149 doses, and European world leaders for their wishes the innovation and solidarity of Continued on next page... >>
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