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BIG STORY OCTOBER 22, 2021 | The Indian Eye 6
1 billion coVid jabs
TOO early TO
prime Minister narendra Modi’s government celebrates the milestone. no doubt,
the vaccination program in india has rolled out well. but how is india doing in fully
vaccinating its population as compared to other countries?
Our Bureau the world. But the people of
New Delhi/Washington, DC India have answered it by tak-
ing 100 crore vaccine doses,” he
ndia achieved the landmark stated.
of administering 100 crore As per an official release,
I(1 billion) Covid-19 vaccines Prime Minister lauded the “dif-
on Thursday. Following the de- ficult but remarkable feat” of
velopment, Prime Minister Na- administering 100 crore vaccine
rendra Modi addressed the na- doses.
tion, congratulating people over India’s COVID-19 vacci-
this accomplishment in the fight nation drive was launched on
against the pandemic. Modi on January 16, 2021. Initially, the
Friday said the Central govern- vaccination was opened for
ment made public participation Health Care Workers (HCWs)
the first line of defence in India’s only. From February 2, front line
fight against the pandemic. workers were made eligible for
Addressing the nation, the vaccination. These included state
Prime Minister said India’s Doctor and Nursing students celebrate india's milestone of achieving and Central Police personnel,
COVID vaccination campaign the 100 crore covid-19 vaccination mark, at red Fort, in New Delhi on Armed Force Personnel, Home
is ‘everybody’s effort’ and “if ev- thursday. (aNi Photo) Guards, Civil Defence and Di-
eryone’s efforts are synergised, saster Management Volunteers,
the results are amazing.” “Our Municipal workers, Prison Staff,
first line of defence against pan- PRI Staff and Revenue work-
demic was public participation, ers involved in containment and
as part of which people lit diyas, surveillance, Railway Protection
banged thalis. Some people had Force and election Staff.
questioned saying ‘Will it help us The vaccination drive was
get rid of the disease’...? Many expanded from March 1 to in-
people mocked when Indians clude persons above 60 years
banged thalis and lit diyas last of age and those above 45 years
year. However, it was India’s with associated specified 20 co-
unity that was on display during morbidities. It was further ex-
those events,” he said. panded to all people above 45
The Prime Minister also not- years of age from April 1. From
ed that questions were raised May 1 all persons above 18 years
that most of the people in India Union minister for health and Family welfare mansukh mandaviya, Union of age were made eligible for
would not go to the vaccination mos for health and Family welfare Dr.Bharati Pravin Pawar, spiceJet ceo COVID-19 vaccination.
centre to get vaccinated. “Vac- ajay singh and others at the unveiling of spiceJet's special aircraft livery India has so far reported
cine hesitancy remains a major to celebrate the achievement of 100 crore vaccine doses mark, at iGi 34.1 million COVID-19 cases
challenge even today in many aiport, in New Delhi on thursday. (aNi Photo) and more than 452,000 deaths,
major developed countries of Continued on next page... >>
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