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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                     OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 14

          Sharad Purnima: Celebrating the Birth

            of Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami

             harad Purnima, also known as                                                                     an assembly, about two hundred peo-
             Kojaagari Poonam, falls on Aso                                                                   ple from a neighboring village joined
        SSud Punam and is celebrated                                                                          them. Though they had initially come
        as  an  auspicious  night  illuminated                                                                for business, they decided to stay and
        by the bright full moon. This night                                                                   listen to Swami’s discourses. Swami
        holds immense cultural and spiritual                                                                  asked the newcomers, “If you want to
        significance  in  Hindu  tradition.  It  is                                                           go and settle in another town, would
        believed that Goddess Lakshmi, the                                                                    you just pack your belongings and go,
        deity of wealth, descends to Earth and                                                                or would you first make arrangements
        asks, “Ko jaagarti?” meaning “Who is                                                                  for a home and livelihood?” One of
        awake?” She bestows blessings upon                                                                    the newcomers replied, “I would nev-
        those who keep vigil, worship, and                                                                    er  set  out for even  a  night  without
        demonstrate their devotion.                                                                           making any prearrangements.”
            This night also commemorates                                                                          Swami then posed a profound
        Shri Krishna’s divine Raas Leela with                                                                 question: “But when you leave this
        the gopis of Vrundavan. The gopis,                                                                    mortal body, where will you stay?
        embodying unwavering devotion, left                                                                   Have you made any preparations?”
        behind societal constraints to experi-                                                                The man and all the newcomers fell
        ence Shri Krishna’s pure, divine love.                                                                silent.
        This  dance  symbolizes  the  eternal                                                                     Gunatitanand Swami revealed,
        bond between the soul and God.                                                                        “Satsang will strengthen you and pre-
            Just as the night sky of Sharad                                                                   pare you for the eternal home.”
        Punam is clear and suffused with lu-                                                                      Even the Nawab of Junagadh,
        nar resplendence, the aspirant should                                                                 a Muslim, found profound solace in
        similarly endeavor to purify their ‘an-                                                               the presence of Gunatitanand Swami.
        tahkaran’ (inner self). To do this, one                                                               Whenever possible, he sought Swa-
        must eradicate body-consciousness                                                                     mi’s company, and individuals from
        and  mundane  desires,  and  imbibe                                                                   various faiths came to listen to his dis-
        Brahma-consciousness, in order to in-                                                                 courses and seek guidance. Swami’s
        cessantly experience Parabrahma (the                                                                  humility and asceticism drew many to
        Supreme Being) (Gita 18/54, Shiksha-                                                                  him, as he demonstrated respect for
        patri 116). For this, the aspirant needs                                                              all religions.
        to seek the Gunatit Sadhu, who is the                                                                     Gunatitanand  Swami’s  legacy  is
        gateway to moksha, as proclaimed in                                                                   rooted in his intense devotion and
        the Bhagavatam (3/29/20):                                                                             unique connection to Bhagwan Swa-
                 Prasangamajaram                                                                              minarayan.  Before  his  passing,  his
          paashamaatmanaha kavayo viduhu,                                                                     teachings were compiled into a col-
               Sa eva sadhushu kruto                                                                          lection known as Swamini Vato. This
            mokshadwaaram apaavrutam.                                                                         compilation includes his observations
            The sages say that if a person be-                                                                and highlights from the discussions he
        comes as attached to the Gunatit Sad-  wan Swaminarayan referred to Guna-  at the Akshar Mandir, built on the   frequently held, making it one of the
        hu as they are to their body and loved   titanand Swami’s greatness numerous  sacred site of Gunatitanand Swami’s   foundational scriptures of the Swami-
        ones, the path to liberation (moksha)   times. It was at these times that Bhag-  cremation.           narayan faith.
        will open for them.               wan Swaminarayan was establishing     The life of Aksharbrahma Gu-      Until the age of 82, Gunatita-
            In the Swaminarayan Sampra-   the importance of His legacy in the  natitanand Swami is celebrated with   nand Swami dedicated his life to serv-
        daya, Sharad Purnima holds a special   gunatit sadhu for future generations.  deep reverence within the Swami-  ing and inspiring countless individu-
        significance  as  it  marks  the  birth  of   On Sharad Purnima, BAPS dev-  narayan Sampradaya, particularly at   als, liberating them from their base
        Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami.   otees gather in large numbers to cele-  BAPS mandirs worldwide. His teach-  nature  and  filling  them  with  peace,
        Born in 1785 CE (Samvat 1841) in   brate Gunatitanand Swami’s birthday.  ings, selfless service, and unwavering   fraternity, morality, and a profound
        the village of Bhadra, Gunatitanand   Festivities include singing devotional  devotion to Bhagwan Swaminarayan   love for God.
        Swami is revered as the eternal spiri-  songs, offering prayers, and perform-  have inspired countless devotees to   Through the celebration of Sha-
        tual successor and the embodiment of   ing rituals such as the offering of dudh  pursue a spiritual path focused on   rad Purnima, devotees honor the
        Aksharbrahma, the ideal devotee or   pauva (flattened rice soaked in milk).  God-realization. He exemplifies spir-  birth of this great spiritual leader and
        Gunatit Sadhu identified by Bhagwan   Devotees perform five artis, creating  itual discipline and the importance of   renew their commitment to stay vig-
        Swaminarayan. Bhagwan Swamina-    a joyous atmosphere where they ex-  having a spiritual guide or Guru for   ilant, ensuring that the light of devo-
        rayan continuously emphasized that   tol the life and teachings of Gunati-  attaining liberation.     tion continues to burn brightly in their
        senior  sadhus  and  devotees  should   tanand Swami. His Holiness Mahant   One notable occasion involved a   hearts.
        spend time with Gunatitanand Swa-  Swami Maharaj, the spiritual leader  devotee hosting Gunatitanand Swami       Lenin Joshi
        mi. Throughout His lifetime, Bhag-  of BAPS, celebrates Sharad Purnima  to his village. When Swami addressed   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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