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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 18

           GOPIO-CT Welcomes UConn Business School

                  Indian Students with a Networking Event

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               n October 4th 2024, the Con-
               necticut (CT) Chapter of the
        OGlobal Organization for Peo-
        ple of Indian Origin (GOPIO) hosted
        a program to welcome new students
        of Indian origin at the University of
        Connecticut (UConn). This event
        provided students with the opportu-
        nity to network with successful busi-
        ness executives, leaders, and GOPIO
        members  working  in  fields  related
        to their studies, as well as with the                            UConn students with GOPIO-CT officials and panelists
        broader community.

        Students from across India who
        have come to UConn for further
        education attended the meet-

        and-greet and left with valuable
        insights on how to seize opportu-
        nities and leverage networking,
        social media, and technical and

        soft skills to enhance their edu-
        cational and career prospects.

            GOPIO-CT has been organiz-
        ing a welcome networking dinner for
        the new students at UConn Business
        School from its Stamford and Hart-  erator Maheshwari, asked the pan-  GOPIO-CT Panel at the student welcome, from l. to r. Ravi Tulsiani, Akshay Chand, Vinod Addid-
        ford campuses since 2018. One of the  elists about networking  and career
        objectives has been to connect the  paths which lead to specific questions   am, Hitesh Mittal, Gitika Jain, Joe Simon and Moderator Manish Maheshwari
        students with our community. The  from students  in  the  audience.  The
        chapter also organized a panel on  panel session was followed by a din-
        how to market oneself and succeed in  ner, giving students further oppor-
        America. It was chaired and moder-  tunities to interact with the panelists
        ated by GOPIO-CT Board Member  and expand their connections. Upon
        Manish Maheshwari, CFA, Portfolio  interviewing the students, the salient
        Manager, Victory Capital. Panelists  takeaways from the program were:
        included  Akshay  Chand, CTO and      Don’t be a generalist, try to be a
        Partner MKP Capital; Gitika Jain,  specialist – an expert at what you do;
        VP Shipping and Digital Experience  Networking is key to kickstarting and
        Pitney Bowes; Hitesh Mittal, Found-  advancing a career; Networking is
        er  CEO,  BestEx  Research;  Joe  Si-  more about giving than taking; Coach
        mon, Advisor, Activate Consulting;  yourself to network, it is a lifelong ca-
        Ravi Tulsyan, CFA, ex CFO XPO  reer skill; Make sure to experiment
        Logistics; and Vinod Addidam, Man-  and be open to failing fast; Seek men-
        aging Director, Hedge Fund.       tors in your career; Communication
            The seven panelists at the pro-  is important in today’s world and so       Part of the Audience at the UConn Students Welcome Dinner
        gram have had decades of experience  is the ability to collaborate; and Give
        working at prominent financial tech,  your best to every opportunity – big
        hedge fund and technology compa-  or small.                         sponsored by BestEx Research. A      GOPIO-CT is one of the most ac-
        nies. They all shared invaluable ad-  The program started with a wel-  highly successful program by GO-  tive chapters of GOPIO Internation-
        vice with the students, gleaned from  come  by  GOPIO-CT  Chapter Pres-  PIO-CT as a service to the student  al and has been serving the Connecti-
        their professional experiences. Mod-  ident Dr. Jaya Daptardar and was  community.                    cut Indian community since 2006.

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