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North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                             OCTOBER 18, 2024

                  NYC Aging Hosts Talent is

               Timeless 2024 Grand Finale

            Second Annual Talent Competition Highlights the Gifts and Creativity of Older New Yorkers;

           Event Helps Combat Ageism by Showing Older Adults Still Have Much to Contribute to Society

        OUR BUREAU                        Yorkers aged 60 years and older com- older New Yorkers have once again  able demonstration of what makes
                                          peted in the first round at older adult   shown they are a vital part of our tal- New York City’s older adults so won-
        New York, NY
                                          centers around the city, with over  ent pool,” said Mayor Adams. “Get- derful. More than 20 acts in the finale
              he  NYC Department for the  1,000 acts participating.   Two more   ting to see Talent is Timeless bring   performed comedy, music, or dance
             Aging, alongside Mayor Eric   rounds followed before the grand   together older residents and allowing  routines and showed that skill, stage
        TAdams, hosted the Talent is  finale.  Talent  is  Timeless  showcases   them to perform at a level many of  presence, and engagement with their
        Timeless 2024 Grand Finale at the   the spirit, resilience, and limitless   them may never have imagined was   craft are truly ageless” said Deputy
        historic United Palace Theater in   potential of older adults, offering  truly inspiring and shows that talent  Mayor for Health and Human Ser-
        Washington Heights. Twenty-two acts   them a platform to demonstrate their  does not run out with time – it only  vices Anne Williams-Isom. “Thank
        performed music, comedy, and dance  abilities, while also challenging ageist  gets better. I want to congratulate the  you  to NYC Aging for  leading  this
        routines entertaining more than 1,000   stereotypes.                finalists and everyone who participat- initiative into what is now an annual
        attendees.                           “New York City has always been a  ed in this year’s competition.”  event attended by hundreds of New
            This year marked the second   place that has attracted the most tal-  “The Talent is Timeless series is a  Yorkers of all ages and thank you to
        Talent is Timeless competition. New  ented people in the world, and today,  beautiful, heartwarming, and remark-  Continued on next page... >>

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