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OPINION                                                             OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

         How is the Psychological Warfare

           Between Iran and Israel Playing

                            out in the Middle East?

           Iran and Israel are engaged in a psychological warfare and the recent cyber-attack on Hezbollah network in
          Lebanon further intensifies the pressure on Iran to retaliate as Israel and Hezbollah enter a new phase in the

           war. The rhetoric emanating from both Iran and Israel is escalatory and shows no sign of accommodation.


           ran and Israel are involved in a
           psychological war and the 17-18
        ISeptember explosions of pag-
        ers and walkie talkies used by the
        Hezbollah members in Lebanon has
        further  intensified  the  pressure  on
        Tehran for  retaliatory  attack. The
        Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
        (IRGC) has banned the use of pagers
        and other communication devices, as
        Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon was
        also among thousands injured in the
        cyber-attack. On the other hand, Isra-
        el mentioned that it is entering a new
        phase of war shifting its focus from
        Gaza to the northern part of Israel
        and has begun the Operation North-
        ern Arrow in Lebanon.

        Iran’s psychological warfare with
        Israel is also evident from its re-
        sponse to the assassination of
        Hamas leader in Tehran and the
        killing of Hezbollah leader in Bei-
        rut. Addressing a gathering in Ya-
        suj on 9 September, the Iranian
        Revolutionary Guards command-        Iran’s psychological warfare with Israel is also evident from its response to the assassination of Hamas leader in Tehran and the killing of
        er, Hossein Salami, emphasized                                      Hezbollah leader in Beirut (Agency photo/ANI)
        on the psychological pressure on
                                              A week prior to that, Iran’s Su-
        Israel due to the uncertainty re-  preme National Defense University   said that Israel is waiting day and   of the newly elected Iranian Presi-
                                                                            night for Iran’s response, which is
                                                                                                              dent, Masoud Pezeshkian, in Tehran,
        garding timing, scale, scope and   President Brigadier General Esmail   harder than waiting for one’s death.  followed by the killing of senior Hez-
        location of Iran’s retaliation and   Ahmadi Moghaddam stressed on the   Iran’s Psychological Pressure   bollah leader, Fuad Shukr, in Beirut.
        said that anticipation of an inev-  efficacy and intensity of the psycho-       on Israel             Overall, Iran vowed an apt and op-
                                                                                                              portune response to Israel; the state-
                                          logical pressure on Israel stating that
        itable retaliation to the killing of   keeping Israel in a state of anxiety in   he above-mentioned state-  ments of the acting Foreign Minister
        Ismail Haniyeh in July is a night-  expectation of Iranian retaliatory at-  ments  reflect  Iran’s  intention   Ali Bagheri Kani—before the new
        mare for Israel and is shaking it   tack is no less than a military strike. Tto create psychological pres-  cabinet formation—and the current
                                                                            sure on Israel after the assassination
                                                                                                              Foreign Minister of the Pezeshkian
                                              Also, in August, Ali Fadavi, the
        day and night.                    Deputy  Commander  of  the  Islamic   of the Hamas political chief Ismail   government, Abbas Araghchi, em-
                                          Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC),   Haniyeh at the swearing-in ceremony    Continued on next page... >>
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