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BIG STORY                                                           OCTOBER 18, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

        from Karnal, Hodal, Panipat City,                                                                     Bhupinder Hooda and Deepender
        Kalka, Rewari, Narnaul and Kalan-                                                                     Hooda by stating that the blame for
        wali. We have presented the doc-                                                                      the defeat rests with “Bapu-beta.”
        uments of the complaints to ECI.                                                                          In an apparent reference to for-
        Complaints from 13 more Assem-                                                                        mer Haryana CM Bhupinder Singh
        bly constituencies will be submitted                                                                  Hooda and his son Deepender Hoo-
        to ECI in the next 48 hours. There                                                                    da, Gogi complained that the state
        were similar complaints from Chhat-                                                                   leadership was not happy with Rahul
        tisgarh, we have reminded them of                                                                     Gandhi’s direct visit to Assandh.
        these complaints also.”                                                                                   “There was no issue but in the
            Reiterating the results as “sur-                                                                  last two days, polarization hap-
        prising’, former Haryana Chief Min-                                                                   pened...State leadership was not
        ister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said                                                                      happy with Rahul Gandhi’s visit to
        that the Election Commission has                                                                      Assandh. (Bhupinder Singh) Hooda
        given assurance and is looking into                                                                   didn’t even take my name on stage...
        their complaints.                                                                                     Congress would not have lost, ‘Hoo-
            “These results of Haryana are                                                                     da Congress’ was contesting the elec-
        surprising because everyone thought                                                                   tion and they lost, they didn’t take
        that Congress will form the govern-                                                                   anyone into confidence. They creat-
        ment in Haryana. Be it IB, experts,                                                                   ed a communication gap inside the
        survey reports, but what happened   Congress delegation led by former Haryana CM and party leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda, par-  party...had the election been contest-
        was that when the counting of postal   ty general secretary KC Venugopal, former Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and others   ed properly, people wanted Congress
        ballots started, Congress was leading                                                                 govt this time...the responsibility (of
        everywhere, but when the counting   coming out from the Election Commission Office after a meeting to raise concerns over the   the defeat) lies with ‘Bapu-beta’,”
        of EVMs started, Congress was lag-  results of the Haryana Assembly elections, in New Delhi on Wednesday (ANI Photo/Ishant)  Gogi said while speaking to ANI.
        ging behind. We have received many                                                                        Gogi,  a former MLA  of  Aas-
        complaints. The counting of votes   Haryana’ region. Taking to X, Yadav   ed on the same post.        andh was recontesting from the seat,
        was delayed in several places. The   wrote, “The party should introspect   Southern Haryana is often re-  but lost to BJP’s Yoginder Rana by a
        Election Commission has assured   for its failure in southern Haryana   ferred to as Ahirwal region spanning   margin of 2306 votes.
        us that they are looking into all the   especially Gurugram,  Rewari, Ma-  Gurgaon, Rewari and Mahender-  Meanwhile, three independent
        complaints...” Hooda said.        hendragarh and Faridabad where it   garh.                           MLAs  from  Haryana,  Devender
            Haryana Congress president    won just 1 seat.”                     Former Congress MLA Shamsh-   Kadyan and Rajesh Joon, Savitri
        Udai Bhan, who was also present in    He further said that the Ahirwal   er Singh Gogi on Thursday attacked   Jindal extended their support to the
        the delegation, raised concerns over   has no representation in CWC, CEC,   the “Hooda Congress” for creating   BJP on Wednesday, a day after the
        the batteries of the EVMs, saying   AICC General Secretaries and in   a communication gap in the party   results of the counting of Assem-
        that if a battery is used whole day, it   HPCC. “Ahirwal has no representa-  which ultimately led to the Congress   bly polls were declared in the state.
        can’t be 99 per cent.             tion in CWC, CEC, AICC General    party’s loss in the Assembly elections.   Haryana BJP President Mohan Lal
            Bhan said, “We have put forward   Secretaries and even in HPCC. @  Gogi, who lost the Assandh seat to   Badoli informed media persons that
        all the issues as to how EVMs have   RahulGandhi Chairman AICC OBC   BJP leader Yoginder Singh Rana, in-  the BJP now has a total of 51 MLAs
        been hacked. The Chief Minister   is an eyewash and toothless” he add-  directly criticized the father-son duo   in Haryana.
        (Nayab Saini)  himself  said that  all
        the arrangements have been made
        and we will form the government,
        then this is all a matter of doubt...                                                                              Big-1b:
        When the battery is used the whole
        day, then it will definitely go down,                                                                              Big-1c:
        it cannot be 99%. We told the Elec-
        tion Commission about it...We want                                                                                   ---
        VVPAT slips to be matched with
        EVMs  so  that  the  truth  can  be  re-
            But after Bharatiya Janata Par-
        ty’s hat trick in Haryana, the party’s
        State president Mohan Lal Badoli on
        Thursday placed the blame squarely
        on Bhupinder Singh Hooda for the
        loss of the Congress party. Bado-
        li said, “Hooda (Bhupinder Singh
        Hooda) is responsible for the loss of
        the Congress party in Haryana. The
        Congress candidates will give state-
        ments. If you ask them, they will tell
        you what Hooda has done.”
            After Congress faced a defeat
        in the Haryana assembly elections,
        its leader Capt Ajay Singh Yadav on   Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers and leaders after the party’s victory in the Haryana Assembly
        Wednesday said that the party should                         elections, at the party headquarter in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI)
        introspect its failure in ‘Southern

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