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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 32
ogist, his passion was building
community institutions since GOPIO-CT officials with the panelists and students at the Welcome Dinner event.
he came in 1973 as a student at
Columbia University. Electrical and Electronics En- important of all life skills and as advanced Degrees such as Ph.D
Each of the panelists were gineer, and started her remark- well managerial skill. It is what and get published in reputed
asked to comment on two sets able journey as a businesswom- enables us to pass information journals to get a chance to get-
of questions on their journey an from home in 2008, when to other people in spoken and ting qualified as EB-1 category
to where they reached today she founded her IT Solutions & writing and also listening skill and faster track to Green Card
and how earlier career choic- Services company, Arka Infor- will improve to understand then EB-2 or EB-3 as of date.
es lead them to where they are mations advised the students to what is said to us.” All the students at the vent
now as well as their first “win” “Find YOUR strength and sur- AAAUM (OM) President were introduced and some of
that made them confident and round yourself with people with Sid Jain said, “Enjoy the stu- them asked questions to the
the biggest challenge to achiev- what you work on and be open dent life exploring the culture panelists. “It was a highly suc-
ing that success. The panelists to learning, Find YOUR pas- and camaraderie with those cessful program with a larger
provided personal experience sion so work does not seem like around you. One skill to perfect participation of the students
to their success. The panelists work and Find YOUR niche in is communication in all forms:- this year,” said Dr. Abraham.
also provided guidance and in- whatever you choose.” verbal, non-verbal, written and The event was sponsored
puts on educational prepara- Semiconductor giant reading.” by Foreseer.AI, an AI enabled
tion, necessary prior experience, ASML’s project manager FIT Registrar Prof. Ra- platform for information ex-
what skills are the most import- Pradeep Govil emphasized im- jasekhar Vangapaty told the traction from unstructured data
ant and transferable skills to ac- portance of skills needed to be students that America is the which was built by GuardX.
quire so as to market oneself to successful in gaining fruitful land of opportunity, aim high! Over the last 15 years, GO-
the American job market. employment & in life, specif- “Your education should not be PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO
GuardX CEO Chavan, who ically, employers looking for limited to learning facts, rath- International has become an
had over 18 years of industry evidence of skills gained like er you should train yourself to active and dynamic organiza-
experience in multiple software problem solving, critical think- think unconventionally and to tion hosting interactive sessions
development, technology lead- ing, communication, presenta- look at the world through an in- with policy makers and aca-
ership and as strategist role with tion, innovation, listening abil- quisitive and investigative lens demicians, community events,
Amaranth, UBS, Citi, Credit Su- ity, community involvement & pushing you out of your com- youth mentoring and network-
isse, JP Morgan and Bear Stea- outreach, and lifelong learn- fort zone!” ing workshops, and working
rns, told the students on what ing. He suggested to use Bragg “Be hungry and committed with other area organizations
skill set he would look for in Book like tool to show evidence to your goals. It is not your fault to help create a better future.
hiring and the hot sectors which of proficiency in skills learned if you do not know the path to GOPIO-CT – Global Organi-
are hiring it the next few years. through course work, project your goal, but it is your fault if zation of People of Indian Or-
Former IBM executive and work, term papers, novel solu- you do not enquire and learn igin – serves as a non-partisan,
global data advisor Sunita Me- tions to problems, participation of the path to your goal,” Prof. secular, civic and community
non said, “Be curious about in seminars, internships and Vangapaty added. service organization – pro-
finding the WHY! That brings presentations to gain accep- Sid Jain further added that moting awareness of Indian
the creativity, challenge and tance to one’s ideas and pro- since quotas for H1-B to Green culture, customs and contribu-
innovation into your work, no posals. Cards via EB-2 (Masters De- tions of PIOs through commu-
matter what field you are in. It Panzer Solutions, an IT and gree) | EB-3 ( Bachelors nity programs, forums, events
will build new paths for you and recruiting company Vice Presi- Degree) are not expected to and youth activities. It seeks
also inspire others around you.”. dent Prasad Chintalapudi said, advance within the current ad- to strengthen partnerships and
Docty Co-Founder Subra- “Being able to communicate ef- ministration, Masters Students create an ongoing dialogue
manian who was trained as an fectively in is perhaps the most should contemplate getting their with local communities.
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