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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 34
“showFest- Experience Beyond Entertainment”
Unveils the Future of Bollywood
Live Entertainment
our Bureau ture of operations. We were
aware of the challenges faced by
New York, NY the artists, the creators, the or-
ollywood enthusiasts of ganizers, and most importantly,
North America now have the audiences. With SHOW-
Ba new reason to rejoice! FEST, we have tried to ampli-
ShowFest introduces an annu- fy the quality of entertainment
al calendar of carefully curated while addressing the challeng-
live experiences and music fes- es and providing solutions for
tivals featuring some of the big- a better customer experience.
gest names of Bollywood. But With ShowFest our vision is to
that is not all! create a loyalty-based commu-
At the onset of the big re- nity for Bollywood enthusiasts
veal, the evening began with the in North America.
founders and conceptualizers, Sharing about ShowFest,
Mr. Karl Karla and Mr. Aanand Aanand Dawda, Founder &
Dawda introducing “ShowFest, aanand Dawda (Founder & managing Partner SHOWFESt), Managing Partner, said, “I start-
a one-of-a-kind lifestyle mem- with Salim merchant and Karl Kalra (Founder & managing Partner SHOW- ed my career with Bollywood
bership” which brings South FESt) during the launch of SHOWFESt Live events and have toured
Asian Americans the future of across 27 countries and over
Bollywood Live Experiences of Bollywood’, ‘Addiction’, ‘Re- Panday, Daler Mehndi, Hrithik 60 cities. It’s fair to say that as
with a modern twist along with wind’, ‘Arijit Singh Live’, and Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sa- creators we have been through
a multitude of ongoing benefits ‘U&We3 - Music.Moments. non, Nora Fatehi, Pooja Hegde, every possible challenge and
throughout the year. Memories’ & 2 Music Festivals Maniesh Paul, Arijit Singh, Udit crisis a live entertainment event
ShowFest offers cut- including ‘Madness - A Fusion Narayan, Alka Yagnik, Kumar could present. Over the years
ting-edge technology, state-of- Music Fes’t, and ‘Sufitronix’. Sanu, Ananya Birla, Vidya Vox, we saw those challenges repeat-
the-art venues, and the most With Season 1 commencing B Praak, KK, Shaan, Salim-Su- ing themselves over and over
exciting Live Bollywood experi- in six major locations, Show- laiman, Richa Sharma, Harsh- again which made us wonder
ences month after month. As a Fest has selected some of the deep Kaur, DJ Akbar Sami, how to provide a solution that
ShowFest member, you will en- top venues of North America Salman Ali, Raj Pandit, and was not a temporary fix but a
joy 5 Indoor Live Experiences like the Now Arena in Chica- many more, who will put an ex- permanent transformation. We
and 2 Outdoor Music Festivals go, Oakland Arena in San Jose, perience that will enthrall audi- curated ShowFest with the aim
featuring some of the most cel- Curtis Culwell Center in Dallas, ences with jaw-dropping perfor- to create a win-win ecosystem
ebrated Bollywood artists. Ad- Eagle Bank Arena in Washing- mances, wow moments, larger and provide everyone associat-
ditionally, various experiences ton DC, Cure Insurance Arena than life production value and ed with a seamless wonderful
such as Live Streaming Events, in New Jersey, and the GAS bone tickling humor. It promis- experience. Our vision is to be-
Movie Nights, Virtual Reality South Arena in Atlanta for the es to be a non-stop package of come a part of the lifestyle of our
Talent Shows, over 20 Weekly Indoor Live Experiences and high-energy performances by customers and provide them
Jackpots, 2 Mega Jackpots in venues like The Boomer Sta- all the stars. It is a global green with an experience that tran-
each dium in Chicago, The Dos Eq- initiative taking sustainability a scends beyond entertainment.
city & numerous discounts uis Pavilion in Dallas, Concord notch higher, a unique synergy Sulaiman Merchant says
from a multitude of Loyalty Pavilion in San Jose, Prince between Showfest and Bhamla “ShowFest has created a unique
Partners are also included with George’s Stadium in Washing- Foundation. property for the world of enter-
your membership. ton DC, PNC Bank Art Cen- Speaking about the Launch, tainment to experience each of
ShowFest is a unique plat- ter in New Jersey, and Ameris Karl Kalra, Founder & Manag- live performances are definite-
form available both as a website Bank Amphitheatre in Atlanta ing Partner, said, “Having cu- ly going to woo the audiences
and can be downloaded as a for the Music Festivals. rated innumerable shows with heart”
mobile application. (iOS & An- ShowFest Experiences are multiple artists over a decade, Salim Merchant says “Show-
droid). headlined by some of the big- I noticed that the world was Fest is going to change the ex-
ShowFest was launched on gest names of Bollywood includ- changing rapidly and therefore perience of entertainment for
26th, September, 2021 with a ing Anil Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit the North American Bollywood the audience to a whole new
lineup of 5 Live Experiences Nene, Karisma Kapoor, Govin- Live industry needed an up- level. It’s going to be a treat to
like ‘Iconic - Timeless Moments da, Raveena Tandon, Chunky grade and an organized struc- the audience.”
www.TheIndianEYE .com