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Business EYE                                                            OCTOBER 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          37

                                                                    Tech T@lk

              the Game Awards to take                                                   Google Lens takes visual

                      place in december                                                     search to a new level

               he 2021 edition of The  The show organisers have also                        ith a new, more ad- box will pop up where you can
               Game Awards, which is  promised that there will be                           vanced AI system,  plumb Google for more in-
        Tthe annual Oscars-like  “free playable game content”                    WGoogle Lens can  formation  about  that  specific
        award show for video games,  available as part of an “immer-             now understand and answer  image, like “What kind of ele-
        has been announced to take  sive digital experience. Like                questions about an image. Ac- phant is this?” or “How many
        place on December 9.                 in previous years, The Game         cording to Mashable, Google  of these elephants are left in
            According to The Verge, the  Awards will also feature “first-        has unveiled what seems like a  the world?”
        show will take place at the Mi- look world premieres and new             really useful and almost scari-          That involves so many lay-
        crosoft Theater in Los  Ange- game announcements.”                       ly advanced new way to search  ers of AI  processing  it’s ac-
        les, and unlike last year, there        There was some big news          with images.                         tually hard to comprehend.
        will be an in-person audience,  in 2020, including the an-                   Google  Lens  already  lets  It understands what’s in the
        though it will be an invite-on- nouncements of Master Chief              you search based on an im- picture, it understands your
        ly event. Details about specif- in ‘Fortnite’ and Sephiroth in           age. For example, if you take  question, and it understands
        ic  health  and  safety  protocols  ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’,        a picture of an elephant,  how your question relates to
        for the in-person event will be  and Microsoft also brought a            you’ll probably get Google  the picture.
        shared “in the coming weeks,”  huge surprise to the 2019 show            Lens search results back for             And, of course, it (osten-
        according to a press release.        with its reveal of the Xbox Se-     “elephant”. But now you can  sibly) gives you the answers
            The awards, which will be  ries X.                                   tap a picture you’ve taken, or  you’re looking for.
        hosted by creator and execu-            As per The Verge, there          one that you’ve saved in your            Making it all possible is a
        tive producer Geoff Keighley,  aren’t any details about what             library, and ask a question  new, more advanced AI sys-
        will also be live-streamed on  announcements to expect this              about it.                            tem  called  Multitask  Unified
        more  than  40  different  plat- year, but if past years are any             Take the elephant: Just  Model (or MUM), announced
        forms, so people will be able to  indication, there could be some        tap the photo for the ability  in May, that is beginning to
        watch from home if they want.  fun surprises in store.                   to “Add Questions” and a text  power Search.

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