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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 28
PM ModI’s vIsIt
ioC, uSa, stages protest against
Govt policies at the united nations
our Bureau plight of the farmers suggested
New York, NY that a Prime Minister should not
abuse his power or shirk his re-
he Indian Overseas Con- sponsibility and torture peaceful
gress, USA, an advocacy farmers protesting for their legit-
Torganization that pro- imate concerns by not heeding
motes democracy, human rights, to their concerns.” It is claimed
and equal justice together with that this is perhaps the largest
its supporters and friends, held and the longest peaceful protest
a protest rally in front of the rally in the history of the world.
United Nations on Saturday, The protesters carried slo-
September 25, 2021, as Prime gans and chanted examples to
Minister Narendra Modi was point out the failures of the
delivering his address to the Modi government, e.g. “An-
General Assembly. ti-Narendra Modi isn’t anti-na-
“Although we have no issues tional,” “We are all Indians. Stop
with a Prime Minister of India discrimination based on religion,
visiting the U.S. or the U.N. and caste and language”, “Protect
promoting better bi-lateral rela- India’s constitution”, “IOCUSA
tions or promoting world peace, supports democracy, freedom,
it is imperative to let him know and human rights”,” IOCUSA
at the same time that we do not supports India’s farmers”, “IO-
approve of his misgovernance in CUSA -proud supporter of plu-
dealing with COVID epidemic ralistic India” and so forth.
or undermining the democratic cause one day our next genera- the benefit of the crony capital- Mr. Mohinder Singh Gil-
institutions,” said George Abra- tion might ask where you have ists and to the detriment of our zian, President of the IOCUSA,
ham, Vice-Chairman of the IO- been when India took a turn to- farmers” Mr. Mohinder Singh Mr. Harbachen Singh, Secre-
CUSA. “If there is to be genuine wards authoritarianism and fas- Gilzian, President of the IO- tary-General, Mr. George Abra-
economic progress and social cism,” Abraham added. CUSA said. “We want Modi ham, Vice-Chairman, Mr. John
development in India, political “I am glad to state that IOCU- to know that the NRI voice will Thomas, Ms. Sophia Sharma,
tranquility and social harmony SA stands firmly behind India’s continue to be raised in support General Secretary, Vice-Pres-
is a prerequisite without which farmers who have been denied of their protest unless and until ident, Ms. Leela Maret, Presi-
there would be very little hope their rightful voice and concerns he resolves these issues,” Mr. dent, Kerala Chapter, Mr. Amar
for the future. Let us, at the to be heard by the Modi govern- Gilzian added. Singh Gulshan and President,
minimum, raise our voices, no ment which has pushed a set of Secretary General Har- Haryana Chapter were among
matter how feeble it may be, be- bills through the parliament for bachan Singh referring to the those who took part in the protest.
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