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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 OCTOBER 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          24

        As a dynamic organization, Ekal                                                                               13, 2021.
        is perpetually broadening its                                                                                    At the conference’s conclu-
        base, worldwide. With a newly                                                                                 sion, as the host and President
        established presence in France                                                                                of Ekal-USA, Sureshji Iyer sum-
        and Thailand, the total number                                                                                marized  various  proposals  of
        of countries with Ekal affiliate                                                                              the panelists for ‘Mission 2025’.
        branches is now 12. During the                                                                                While unveiling the roadmap
        school closures in the U.S., the                                                                              for  the  benefit  of  participants,
        Ekal-youths, not only helped to                                                                               he explained in a nutshell that,
        publicize  virtual concerts with                                                                              although the number of schools
        their social media expertise but                                                                              would remain the same at
        also, raised funds through ath-                                                                               102,000 mark, the number of vil-
        letic activities, talent shows and                                                                            lages for E-Shiksha (education
        skills developing tutorials. Being                                                                            through tablets) would go up
        socially conscientious, the youth                                                                             from current 1,170 schools to all
        earnestly took part in their com- teers, not only countered  the  This  flow  of  incessant  commu- 102,000 schools; Arogya services
        munity food drives, tree-plant- misinformation about the vac- nication not only strengthened  (Healthcare) from  1,200  vil-
        ing projects and outreach pro- cine by asserting its benefit but  donor’s trust in ‘EVF’, but also  lages to 35,000; Ekal-on-wheel
        grams for the seniors in need.  also, made it worry-free with  was reflected in their generous  vans (mobile digital training)
            On the covid-19 front, Ekal’s  videos of their own vaccina- support for this institution.                 from 29 to 60; Tailoring centres
        success in rural-tribal areas is  tion. This led the vaccination             In 2020, Ekal-USA, with vir- from 33 to 150; Integrated Vil-
        staggering. Because of the ag- rate  to  71%  in  some  corners.  tual events had raised almost  lage Development Ctrs (IVD)
        gressive safety campaign, herbal  While overcoming various hur- $10 million, with $6.5 million  from 12 to 31; and Gramothan
        medications, nutritional food  dles unique to a village set up,  coming  in  from  the  year-end  Research Ctr (GRC) from 15 to
        provisions and isolationist tac- Ekal never ever lost the sight of  magnificent  gala.  To  that  end,  31. During the five-year goal pe-
        tics  that  Ekal  field  volunteers  keeping all its supporters well  Ekal-USA once again con- riod, 50% of schools, 15 GRCs,
        vigorously promoted there, the  informed about the steps it was  firmed that the eagerly awaited  and 25 IVDs are expected to be-
        pandemic’s effect on rural folks  taking in successfully arresting  glittering virtual Gala would be  come self-sustaining, subject to
        was very minimal. Field volun- the  spread  of  the  deadly  virus.  hosted on Saturday, November  third-party assessment.

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