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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 22
MIssIoN 2025
Ekal hosts national meet with participants
from India, Us and Canada
In 2020, Ekal-USA, with virtual events had raised almost $10 million, with $6.5 million
coming in from the year-end magnificent gala
praKaSH waGHmare
New York, NY
n September 18, “Ekal
Vidyalaya Foundation
Oof USA - EVF” host-
ed a day-long virtual ‘National
Conference’ with 220 regis-
trants from U.S., Canada and
India. Although touted to be
a national gathering, Ekal-In-
dia had a sizable presence in it,
along with some representation
from Ekal-Canada.
the primary objective of Suresh iyer - President EkalUSa
this conference was, not
only to review the scalabil- aggressive march towards the
milestones of progress, pegged
ity of ‘Ekal Abhiyan’ proj- as ‘Mission 2025’. Lot of awe-in-
spiring information about Ekal
ects (an umbrella orga- achievements came out in var-
nization of Ekal’s various ious presentations. Ekal-India,
logistic operations), but keeping an eye on the ‘Atmanir-
bhar Bharat’ initiative (self-sus-
also, to align the aspira- taining, self-reliant ‘Bharat’)
tions of Ekal-America and floated by the Hon. PM Modi
plans to showcase 35,000 villages
Ekal-India for future goals. as the ‘Pragat Sanch’ (progres-
sive clusters) with holistic devel-
With the Covid-19 pandemic opment that would incorporate
affecting rural life, this confer- digital literacy, health & hy-
ence had the arduous task of giene, skill training, sustainable
remapping success milestones farming and value-based edu-
for ‘Mission 2025’, outlined ear- cation. A small portion of these
lier in Yr.2020. Ekal-India team clusters would be turned into
presented revitalized facets of quintessential ‘Adarsh Gram’
‘Ekal Abhiyan’, namely ‘Digi- (Model Villages), as a role-mod-
tal Literacy’, ‘Arogya Founda- el template for the future.
tion’, ‘Gramothan Foundation’, Ekal is currently leaning to-
‘E-Shiksha’, and ‘Global Com- wards launching digital tech-
munication’, with a focus on the nology, at every level of its
covid-19 pandemic, skill devel- tors, working committees, re- technology roadmap, fund-rais- activities and operations. Ekal-
opment and economic empow- gional & chapter presidents and ing targets, cutting-edge tech- USA, therefore highlighted the
erment. the youth wing. This Pan-Amer- nology for project management, E-Shiksha methodology and
The host team along with ican team introduced the top- and youth involvement. the preliminary timetable to ex-
Ekal-Canada was composed of ics like innovativeness and ac- In essence, all the panelists pand it across Ekal school map.
members of the board of direc- countability in capital projects, pushed for a well-coordinated Continued on next page... >>
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