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NATION SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 9
nail and am ready to make any sac- MLAs on a flight to Goa or some
rifice to save the country from such place. That is not how I operate. I
a dangerous man,” the Captain said. don’t do gimmicks, and the Gandhi
Asserting that he will only leave siblings know that is not my way,”
politics when he feels it is right, the he said, adding, “Priyanka Gandhi
former Chief Minister said, “I was Vadra and Rahul Gandhi are like my
ready to leave after a victory but nev- children...this should not have end-
er after a loss,” he said. He disclosed ed like this. I am hurt.” He said the
that he had offered his resignation to Gandhi children were quite inexpe-
Sonia Gandhi three weeks earlier but rienced and their advisors were mis-
she had asked him to continue. “If guiding them.
she had just called me and asked me Taking a dig at Sidhu’s ostensi-
to step down, I would have,” he said, ble interference in Charanjit Singh
adding that “as a soldier, I know how Channi’s domain, the former Chief
to do my task.” Minister said the PPCC should just
He said he had even told Con- take decisions on party affairs. “Ear-
gress interim president Sonia Gandhi lier I had a good PPCC president. I
that he was ready to allow someone took his advice but he never told me
else to take over as the Chief Minis- how to run the government,” he said,
ter after leading the Congress to an- adding that Sidhu was virtually dic-
other sweeping win in Punjab. tating terms with Channi simply nod-
“But that did not happen, so I ding along.
will fight,” he asserted, taking strong
exception to being subjected to hu- < Punjab Chief Minister Captain
miliation by calling a CLP in a secre- Amarinder Singh speaks to the media
tive manner, without taking him into after resigning as Punjab CM in
confidence. “I would not have taken Chandigarh (ANI)
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