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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          6

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                       "I started working with GiveIndia when the pandemic first

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                                                                  Vinod Khosla

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        focus on 21st-century challeng- mala Harris and the Quad lead- with  Kashi,  one  of  the  oldest  Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga
        es.  The  first-ever  virtual  sum- ers. In a touching gesture, Modi  cities in the world. It is also the  was gifted a Sandalwood Bud-
        mit of Quad leaders was held in  presented the Vice President a  constituency of Modi.                        dha  Statue.  Buddhism  plays  a
        March this year. The agenda of  copy  of  old  notifications  relat-         Each piece on this partic- big  role  in  bringing  India  and
        Quad  also  includes  the  supply  ed to her grandfather, PV Go- ular  chess  set  is  remarkably  Japan  together.  The  thoughts
        of  COVID-19  vaccines  to  the  palan,  in  a  wooden  handicraft  handcrafted. The bright colours  and  ideas  of  Lord  Buddha  re-
        Indo  Pacific  region  and  boost- frame.  PV  Gopalan  was  a  se- reflect  the  vibrancy  of  Kashi.  verberate far and wide in Japan.
        ing maritime security.               nior and respected government  Australian Prime Minister Scott               This  is  Modi’s  first  visit  to
            Modi  is  also  using  the  visit  official  who  served  in  various  Morrison  was  gifted  a  Silver  the US with Biden in the White
        to  develop  a  personal  chemis- positions. PM Modi also gifted  Gulabi  Meenakari  Ship.  This  House.  It  could  be  a  game
        try with other world leaders. On  VP Harris a Gulabi Meenakari  ship is also distinctly handcraft- changer  for  Indo-US  relations
        Thursday, he presented unique  chess  set.  The  craft  of  Gulabi  ed and bright, reflecting eternal  besides  the  global  equation  in
        gifts to US Vice President Ka- Meenakari is closely associated  Kashi’s  dynamism.  Japanese  the Indo-Pacific region.

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