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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          5

        for India-US relations. He also                                                                               convergence of interests on bilat-
        thanked Biden for the warm wel-                                                                               eral, regional and global issues.
        come accorded to him and his                                                                                      With Quad working on sev-
        delegation at the White House.                                                                                eral initiatives including on cli-
        “I thank you for the warm wel-                                                                                mate change, infrastructure and
        come  accorded  to  me  and  my                                                                               new  and  emerging  technolo-
        delegation.  Earlier,  we  had  an                                                                            gies, the first in-person leaders’
        opportunity to hold discussions                                                                               summit of US, India, Japan and
        and at that time you had laid out                                                                             Australia on Friday is expected
        the vision for India-US bilateral                                                                             to  promote  the  forward  look-
        relations. Today, you are taking                                                                              ing-agenda to meet the require-
        initiatives  to  implement  your                                                                              ments of Indo-Pacific region.
        vision  for  India-US  relations,”                                                                                US  President  Joe  Biden
        PM Modi while interacting with                                                                                hosted the meeting attended
        the Biden.                           Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a bilateral meeting with the Australian   by  Prime  Minister  Narendra
            The  delegation-level  talks     Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in Washington DC on Thursday. (ANI Photo)  Modi,  Australian  Prime  Min-
        between  PM  Modi  and  US                                                                                    ister  Scott  Morrison  and  Ja-
        President  Biden  began  here                                                                                 pan Prime Minister Yoshihide
        at the White House on Friday.                                                                                 Suga.  The  four-nation  group-
        Moments before his meeting                                                                                    ing has a vision for a free, open,
        with  PM  Modi,  Biden  said  he                                                                              transparent  and  inclusive  In-
        is looking forward to strength-                                                                               do-Pacific.  Having  had  bilat-
        ening the deep ties between the                                                                               eral meetings with Scott Mor-
        two countries.                                                                                                rison and Yoshihide Suga on
            Since  January,  PM  Modi                                                                                 Thursday, Modi will have done
        and  Biden  have  participated                                                                                bilaterals with the other three
        in three summits. Two of them                                                                                 members of Quad before the
        were hosted by President Biden                                                                                Summit meeting.
        -  the  Quad  virtual  summit  in                                                                                 The Prime Minister is ac-
        March and the Climate Change                                                                                  companied by a high-level dele-
        Summit in April which was also                                                                                gation including National Secu-
        held virtually.                                                                                               rity Advisor Ajit Doval, Foreign
            It should be noted that regu-                                                                             Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shrin-
        lar exchange of high-level politi-                                                                            gla in his visit to the US. China
        cal visits has provided sustained                                                                             is opposed to the Quad and has
        momentum  to  bilateral  coop-                                                                                earlier termed the grouping as
        eration, while the wide-ranging                                                                               an “Asian NATO”.
        and  ever-expanding  dialogue                                                                                     China’s increased aggression
        architecture  has  established  a                                                                             in the South China Sea is aggra-
        long-term  framework  for  In-                                                                                vating regional tension. China’s
        dia-US engagement.                                                                                            unilateral  claim  on  the  Nine-
            The Quad is an inter-gov-         Prime Minister Narendra Modi exchanges greetings with Japanese Prime    Dash Line in the South China
        ernmental security forum com- Minister Yoshihide Suga during the bilateral meeting, in Washington DC on       Sea;  rapid  warship  building  its
        prising  India,  Japan,  Australia,                           Thursday. (ANI Photo)                           first  overseas  base  in  Djibouti;
        and  the  US  with  a  shared  ob-                                                                            and its surface and subsurface
        jective to support a “free, open  that PM Modi and Biden will re- talks. “India and America being             activities in the Indian Ocean
        and  prosperous”  Indo-Pacif- view “robust and multifaceted”  the  largest  and  oldest  democ-               beyond the Malacca Straits have
        ic region, that China seeks to  India-US bilateral ties and will  racy  are  natural  partners.  We           alarmed regional countries.
        threaten.                            hold a discussion to bolster bilat- have similar values, geopolitical        The issue of China as a “very
            Also, the Quad vaccine ini- eral  trade  and  investment  ties. interests, and our coordination           major  global  player”  came  up
        tiative in the field of healthcare      Pointing  out  similar  val- and cooperation is also increas-         during Prime Minister Naren-
        amid the COVID-19 pandemic  ues  and  geopolitical  interests,  ing. Strengthening supply chain,              dra Modi’s discussions with his
        is a glowing example of the stra- Prime Minister Narendra Modi  new emerging technologies, and                counterparts  from  Australia
        tegic partnership.                   on Thursday said that India and  space, are areas of special inter-      and Japan in bilateral meetings
            Earlier  in  April  this  year,  the  US  are  “natural  partners”  est to you. For me, these areas are   on Thursday.
        President Biden spoke with PM  and asserted that coordination  of priority. In these areas, our co-               A US official had said that
        Modi on a phone call, commit- and cooperation between both  operation is important,” he said.                 hosting the Quad Summit is a
        ting that the United States and  countries were also increasing.             PM Modi’s visit to the US        demonstration  of  the  priority
        India will work closely together        PM Modi’s remarks came  is  an  opportunity  for  the  two            of engaging in the Indo-Pacific,
        in the fight against COVID-19.       in a joint press conference with  countries to develop the strate-       including through new multilat-
            Foreign  Secretary  Harsh  V  US Vice President Kamala Har- gic partnership based on shared               eral configurations designed to
        Shringla  had  earlier  informed  ris ahead of the delegation-level  democratic values and increasing            Continued on next page... >>

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