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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          4

                                                   modi in the us

          Global Game Changer

               Prime minister narendra modi’s meeting with the us President Joe biden and

         leaders of three other Quad leaders will reset the global order. What is india’s grand

                                    strategy in engaging with the us as a global partner?

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    ties between the two countries.
                                                                                                                      “This morning I’m hosting In-
        Washington, DC                                                                                                dian Prime Minister Narendra
        A                          started                                                                            Modi at the White House for
                 large  number  of  Indi-
                                                                                                                      a bilateral meeting. I look for-
                 gathering outside the
        White House ahead of Prime                                                                                    ward to strengthening the deep
                                                                                                                      ties  between  our  two  nations,
        Minister Narendra Modi’s ar-                                                                                  working  to  uphold  a  free  and
        rival to hold a bilateral meeting                                                                             open Indo-Pacific, and tackling
        with  US  President  Joe  Biden                                                                               everything  from  COVID-19  to
        on  Friday.  These  people  gath-                                                                             climate change,” Biden said in
        ered to celebrate ‘the India-US                                                                               a tweet.
        partnership’ and over 600 In-                                                                                     The  meeting  took  place  in
        dian-Americans  were  in  the                                                                                 the  backdrop  of  the  Taliban
        gathering.  They  showcased  In-                                                                              takeover of Afghanistan and
        dian culture through music and                                                                                the issue is likely to figure in the
        dance performances behind the                                                                                 discussions.  The  frequency  of
        White House.                         Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden hold a bilateral   high-level  visits  and  exchanges
            The crowd looked full of en-           meeting, at the Oval Office in the White House on Friday. (ANI)    between India and the US has
        thusiasm  and  holding  banners                                                                               gone up significantly of late. PM
        and the Indian flag. The locals                                                                               Modi had visited the US in 2019
        have also prepared a pamphlet                                                                                 and then US President Donald
        saying  ‘American  Welcomes                                                                                   Trump  visited  India  in  2020.
        Modi -2021’, which is being cir-                                                                              The  two  countries  have  also
        culated over the social media.                                                                                held 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue.
            The meeting between Modi                                                                                      Since  January,  PM  Modi
        and  the  US  President  was  ex-                                                                             and  Biden  have  participated
        pected  to  set  the  template  for                                                                           in three summits. Two of them
        further strengthening of bilater-                                                                             were hosted by President Biden
        al ties. This was the first meeting                                                                           -  the  Quad  virtual  summit  in
        between  the  two  leaders  since                                                                             March and the Climate Change
        Biden became the US President                                                                                 Summit in April which was also
        in January this year.                                                                                         held virtually. PM Modi also vir-
            When Narendra Modi met                                                                                    tually took part in the G7 Sum-
        Joe Biden at the White House                                                                                  mit held at Cornwall in the UK
        here  on  Friday  for  bilateral                                                                              in June this year.
        meeting,  the  two  leaders  re-                                                                                  On  Thursday,  the  Prime
        viewed  the  Comprehensive            Indian-Americans gather outside the White House ahead of the arrival of   Minister held bilateral meetings
        Global Strategic Partnership be-         Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in Washington DC on Friday. (ANI)      with  United  States  Vice  Presi-
        tween  the  two  countries.  They                                                                             dent Kamala Harris and Prime
        also exchanged views on region- in  “mutual  trust,  shared  inter-          The two countries also have      Ministers of Australia and Japan.
        al  and  global  issues  of  mutual  ests,  goodwill  and  robust  en- strategic convergence on In-               Modi  on  Friday  said  the
        interest. Comprehensive Global  gagement of their citizens” and  do-Pacific. Ahead of the meet-               US President was taking initia-
        Strategic  Partnership  between  covers a wide gamut of areas in- ing, Biden said he is looking for-          tives  to  implement  his  vision
        the  two  countries  is  anchored  cluding trade and defence.            ward to strengthening the deep          Continued on next page... >>

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