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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 | The Indian Eye 27
Roy Kapur Films to bring Pan Nalin’s internationally
acclaimed Last Film Show to Indian cinemas
OUR BUREAU Film Festival and has won multiple ing elevated entertainment, and with
awards across various international his help, we are looking forward to
New York, NY
film festivals, including the Golden entertaining Indian spectators with
iddharth Roy Kapur’s Roy Ka- Spike at the 66th Valladolid Film our labour of love Last Film Show
pur Films is all set to bring Last Festival in Spain, where it also en- (Chhello Show). Our film has been
SFilm Show (Chhello Show), joyed commercial success during its receiving a lot of love from specta-
Pan Nalin’s poignant ode to cellu- theatrical run. tors across the world, and with Roy
loid dreams, back home to audienc- Director Pan Nalin’s oeuvre Kapur Films’ support, we are aiming
es in India. The Gujarati-language includes award-winning films like to give it a good release in my home
coming-of-age drama has captured Samsara, Valley of Flowers, and An- state of Gujarat and the rest of In-
the hearts of critics and audiences gry Indian Goddesses, which have dia. I am also excited that the India
across the world and will now release been successful with both festival and release will coincide with its theat-
in theatres in Gujarat and on select general audiences. He has recently rical release in the USA, Italy, and
screens across the country on 14th been invited to join the Academy of Japan.”
October 2022. The film is produced Motion Picture Arts & Sciences in its U.S.-based Samuel Goldwyn
by Roy Kapur Films, Jugaad Motion prestigious Directors Branch. Films has previously distributed
Pictures, Monsoon Films, Chhello Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur the Danish comedy-drama Anoth-
Show LLP, and Marc Duale. says, “We are incredibly excited to er Round, which won the Oscar for
Inspired by director Pan Nalin’s embark upon this exciting associa- Best International Feature at the
own memories of falling in love with tion with Pan Nalin and Dheer Mo- 93rd Academy Awards in 2021. Their
movies as a child in rural Gujarat, maya to bring Indian audiences the Bhutanese drama Lunana: A Yak in
Last Film Show (Chhello Show) single-minded devotion, oblivious wonderful Last Film Show (Chhel- The Classroom also won an Oscar
is set at the cusp of the digital revolu- to the technological upheaval that is lo Show), a film that celebrates the nomination for the Best Internation-
tion and follows a nine-year-old boy hurtling towards him. It is an authen- magic and wonder of cinema and the al Feature award last year. Orange
ensnared by the magic and science tic, organic, and emotionally charged theatrical experience.” Studio, headquartered in France,
of light and shadow that lies behind drama set around films, food, and Director Pan Nalin added, “We produced The Artist, which won five
celluloid film projection. Manoeu- friends. are thrilled to collaborate on this film Oscars at the 84th Academy Awards
vring through both social pressures Last Film Show (Chhello Show) with a producer I really admire, Sid- in 2012. In 2020, it also won two Os-
and economic precarity, he pursues had its world premiere as the open- dharth Roy Kapur. Sid has proved cars for the Anthony Hopkins-star-
his passion for the “film show” with ing film at Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca his passion and penchant for produc- rer The Father.