Page 31 - The Indian EYE 091622
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BOLLYWOOD SPECIAL                                                 SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 31

        Ayan, Alia and Ranbir glow in the global

                   success of their film ‘Brahmastra’

        ‘Brahmastra’ hit the theatres last Friday; The film’s Hindi version, according to film critic and

                                  analyst Taran Adarsh, it is doing great business worldwide

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Alia’s mom and actor Soni Razdan
                                                                                                              wrote, “Beauts,” with heart emoji.
                                                                                                                  Also, Ayan Mukherji dropped
              s Brahmastra continues a suc-                                                                   a picture featuring Ranbir  Kapoor
              cessful  run  at  the  box  office,                                                             from their visit to Somnath Temple
        Adirector Ayan Mukherji has                                                                           on Thursday, on social media. Tak-
        penned a heartfelt note for the au-                                                                   ing to his Instagram handle, the ‘Yeh
        dience. Ayan shared a video that be-                                                                  Jawaani Hai Deewani’ director treat-
        gan with a poster claiming the mov-                                                                   ed fans with a new picture.
        ie’s gross worldwide collection so far                                                                    In the picture, he was seen posing
        has been Rs 225 crores, followed by                                                                   with the ‘Shamshera’ actor dressed in
        snippets of the magnum opus. ‘Brah-                                                                   ethnic attire.
        mastra’ is helmed by Ayan, along with                                                                     Ranbir was seen wearing a white
        Ranbir and Alia. The film also stars                                                                  kurta-pyjama that he paired with a
        Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and                                                                       navy-blue Nehru jacket. On the other
        south actor Nagarjuna in the lead                                                                     hand, Ayan opted for a yellow-white
        roles.                                                                                                kurta set.
            In his post, Ayan expressed grat-                                                                     Sharing the picture, he  wrote,
        itude  for  the  audience  and  wrote,                                                                “Somnath Temple. Shri Somesh-
        “Brahmastra has gotten off to a great                                                                 waray   Jyotirlidaay  Maharudray
        start  with  audiences  over  its  first                                                              Namah // My Third Jyotirling Visit
        weekend! The feeling is only of Grat-                                                                 this year. Had told myself I would
        itude and more Gratitude - for our                                                                    come here after Brahmastra releas-
        Audiences!”                                                                                           es, and am so happy and energised
            He  added,  “The  Acceptance                                                                      that we made it here! #gratitude.”
        from Audiences - is the only reward                                                                       ‘Brahmastra’  team  including
        we work for at the movies.                                                                            Alia Bhatt, the trio recently headed
                                                                                                              to  Ahmedabad  for  the  film  promo-
        The Future of the Brahmastra                                                                          tion. Recently, Ayan announced that
                                                                                                              ‘Brahmastra’ unreleased songs would
        Trilogy, and the Astraverse,                                                                          be out on Dussehra. He shared the
        eventually lies in the hands of   Alia Bhatt dropped this photo taken during the shoot of “Deva Deva” song on Instagram this week   video with a glimpse of songs in-
                                                                                                              cluding ‘Kesariya,’ ‘Deva Deva’ and
        our  Audience, and this  week-                                                                        ‘Dance Ka Bhoot.’

        end we have received back         excitement, and progress, for us!  success of ‘Brahmastra’, mom-to-be   Along with the caption, “Some
                                              Putting out good energy for the   Alia Bhatt dropped a behind-the-  News on The Music Album Of Brah-
        from  them...  Light  -  for  the  next few weeks of Brahmastra’s Jour-  scenes picture from the ‘Brahmastra’   mastra. There is a lot of Music in the
        years of work that went into      ney at the Cinemas... and also for the   sets  featuring her  husband  Ranbir   movie which we haven’t released, yet.
                                          Love of Movies doing well in gener-
                                                                            Kapoor on Tuesday, on social media.
                                                                                                              Like... Rasiya... our Shiva Theme...
        this Venture!”                    al, the most popular art form of our   Taking to her Instagram han-  other versions of our Main Songs...
                                          times, one that entertains and should   dle, the ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ ac-  other Themes...The main reason is
            “I feel proud that we managed   unite us!”                      tor treated fans with a new picture   that we needed to focus on finishing
        to create great energy at the cinemas   Talking  about  the  film  and  its   with Ranbir. Sharing the picture, she   the movie properly pre-release, and
        over the last 3 days, with people com-  box office business, ‘Brahmastra’ hit   wrote, “Shiva and Isha. One from the   couldn’t do justice to launching these
        ing out and sitting together jointly -   the theatres last Friday and as far as   archives - during Deva Deva shoot,”   tracks properly.”
        to watch a very new kind of movie for   the film’s Hindi version is concerned,   with heart and fire emojis.   He added, “This is just a gen-
        our Cinema, one which takes Tech-  Film critic and analyst Taran Adarsh   The parents-to-be looked ador-  eral shout-out to say that we are re-
        nology to the next level, and does   informed that the film did great busi-  able  in  the  picture  from  the  ‘Deva   suming this Journey with focus and
        it while retaining the soul of Indian   ness.                       Deva’ song shoot.                 excitement now... that we plan to
        culture and spirituality,” continued   Karan  Johar  announced  that    As soon as the picture was up-  launch Rasiya and other tracks start-
        Ayan.                             ‘Brahmastra’ has so far collected   loaded, the actor’s friends and family   ing early next week...And we plan to
            He concluded by giving some   around Rs 225 crores. According to   chimed into the comment section.  have our entire Brahmastra Music
        statistics, “We were also the #1   reports, the film was made on a bud-  Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Ka-  Album  complete and released -  by
        Movie at the Global Box-Office this   get of Rs 450 crores.         poor Sahni dropped a comment. She   DUSSEHRA, Oct. 5th  ! #musicof-
        weekend... another source of pride,   Currently riding high on the   wrote, “Both,” with heart emojis.   brahmastra.”

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