Page 25 - The Indian EYE 091622
P. 25

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 25

                    Rowdies beat Hurricanes yet again in

                                  an exciting last over thriller

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            try, Urvsish opened the innings with
                                                                                                              Ravi Shah, who has been known to
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                              dabble in the opening if needed.
              hicago Rowdies vs Chicago                                                                           However, this time Javid got
              Hurricanes cricket match held                                                                   him out for a cheap 5 run stint to a
        Cat the Skokie Sports Park in                                                                         lbw.  Sargam  Patel,  the  next  batter
        Skokie, Illinois on September  06,                                                                    in line, started off slow but gained
        2022. Rowdies have been victorious                                                                    momentum. He managed to put up
        in four out of six of their prior games,                                                              2 partnerships back-to-back with
        one of which they won against Hurri-                                                                  Pruthvish for 81 runs and with Man-
        canes with 18 runs.                                                                                   an for 79 runs. He succumbed to a
                                                                                                              catch by Javid off Saeed Gantiwala,
        The Hurricanes have had a de-                                                                         but not before he scored a whopping
                                                                                                              75 of 50 balls. Pruthvish and Manan
        cent season themselves and                                                                            both put up 53 and 50 runs to the
        only two of the seven games                                                                           total. All the efforts from Hurricanes
        they have played. Both teams                                                                          could only get them close to total

        were in the running to claim                                                                          but not to the win. Rowdies won this
                                                                                                              exciting match by 6 runs. Javid Pa-
        the top spot which would en-                                                                          tel was adjudged the Player of the
        sure a direct entry to the finals.                                                                    Match for his contribution with his
                                                                                                              bat 33/12 and 2 wickets for an econ
        Both Rowdies and Hurricanes                                                                           rate of 7.75
                                                                                                                  The guest of honor Manishku-
        were in the top 3 followed very                                                                       mar  Patel from Nirav  Foods was
        closely by The Destroyers.                                                                            also present to view the tantalizing
                                          able to do very little against the   good partnership with Mohsin for   game.  This  was  the  first  time  that
            Rowdies won the toss and de-  opening bowlers Pruthvish Patel and   44 runs. Javid Patel’s 33 off 12 balls   Manish was available for a game
        cided to bat first, the same as the last   Garv Khera. Moin who was striking   was the highlight of the game. At a   and he said he enjoyed the competi-
        encounter with Hurricanes. Skokie   well was the first to fall at a mere 20   strike rate of 275.00 it was a sight to   tion between Hurricanes and Row-
        ground has proven to be favorable   runs to Purthvish. Wasim followed   be seen. The Rowdies managed to   dies. Manish has been actively sup-
        to the team batting first fifty percent   soon after with only 4 runs. Sohel   put  some  more runs  up  with  their   porting club cricket for more than 2
        of the times, which is not something   Patel and Mohsin Detraliya showed   middle and lower order batting sup-  decades, but this was the first time
        you look past when you want to win.  aggression with their partnership of   portively to end at 216 runs, a mas-  Nirav Foods supported the game at
            Wasim and Moin Patel opened   55 runs. Ayaz Patel who came af-  sive target to chase.             the league level.
        the  innings  for  Rowdies  but  were   ter Sohel also managed to put in a   In the absence of Dhairya Mis-  --Asian Media USA

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