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NATION                                                               SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          9

        tion  many  children  got  infect- revive  the  economy  the  gov- of the COVID-19 pandemic.                  a certain kind of support from
        ed,  “If  you  look  at  the  history  ernment is taking every step to       “Government  is  constantly  the  Healthcare  sector.  Health-
        that what is going on in the US  ramp  up  COVID-19  vaccina- discussing  and  engaging  with  care sector requires to ramp up
        where schools reopened and  tion  in  the  country,  while  urg- the stakeholders to ensure that  their  capacities,”  Sitharaman
        also a large number of children  ing the healthcare sector to en- the revival of the economy is go- said as she addressed an event
        have  been  vaccinated  because  hance  its  capability  to  contain  ing to be adequately supported.  called ‘Resurgent India: Build-
        vaccine became available soon.  the possibility of the third wave  Revival of the economy requires  ing  Healthcare  Infrastructure
        The Association of Paediatrics                                                                                For  New  India’  organized  by
        in the US says that the num-                                                                                  Invest India. “We do not want
        ber  of  cases  after  the  schools                                                                           the third wave and we are tak-
        have  reopened  has  gone  up                                                                                 ing  every  step  that  is  required
        from 38,000 per week in July to                                                                               to ramp up vaccination against
        180,000 per week in August.”                                                                                  COVID-19,”  the  Union  Fi-
            “There  is  a  warning  from                                                                              nance Minister said.
        Florida, which says that the hos-                                                                                 She said that the Depart-
        pitals are full with children, and                                                                            ment of Financial Services has
        they don’t have any facilities                                                                                done very well by providing loan
        left. So, we have to look at it in                                                                            guarantee schemes for COVID
        perspective for India where chil-                                                                             affected sectors.
        dren are not being vaccinated at                                                                                  “Hospitals  can  be  bringing
        all. We also have to take this fact                                                                           in more equipments, more beds
        into consideration that we may                                                                                and  more  pharmaceutical  sup-
        or may not have the luxury of                                                                                 port. We still need more trained
        open spaces,” said Dr Trehan.                                                                                 doctors,  nurses,  more  testing
            Meanwhile,  Finance  Min-         A medic inoculates a COVID-19 vaccine to a woman during a vaccination   facilities and we still need para-
        ister Nirmala Sitharaman on                drive for the teachers, in Srinagar on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)      medics who can do the testing for
        Tuesday said that in order to                                                                                 you in all its proper protocol.”

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