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NATION                                                               SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          8

                                                        COvid-19 pandemiC

                       experts warn of Florida-like

             situation in india if schools open

                              amid fears of third wave

          Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman says in order to revive the economy

            the government is taking every step to ramp up vaccination in the country

        S GOpal puri                                             Students gather in an assembly on the first day of reopening of school,
        New Delhi                                                              in New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)

                 r  Samiran  Panda,  the  restrictions and increased vac- resh Trehan has also cautioned              then  they  should  be  allowed
                 head of Epidemiolo- cinations,  learning  from  Del- against the re-opening of schools               to go to school but it seems we
        Dgy  and  Communicable  hi  and  Maharashtra.  Due  to  and said that since the vaccine is                    are in a rush right now to open
        Diseases at the Indian Council  this, the second wave in several  around the corner, the govern-              schools.”  Dr  Trehan’s  remarks
        of Medical Research (ICMR)  states was not as intense, leaving  ment should wait for two-three                came as the Delhi government
        on Monday said that the states  scope for a third wave. There- months till the children get vac-              announced  the  re-opening  of
        which did not face an intense  fore, the increasing number of  cinated against COVID-19.                      schools in the national capital
        second wave of the COVID-19  COVID-19  infections  in  some                  Dr  Trehan  said,  “I  believe   from  September  1  for  classes
        pandemic are now with the in- states  presently  is  indicating  a  that  we  should  be  a  lot  more        9-12.  But,  students  will  need
        creasing  trend  of  COVID-19  third wave,” he said.                     cautious.  And  the  fact  is  that   parents consent and no one will
        cases, showing early signs of the       “Every state should look into  the vaccine is now around the          be forced to attend the classes.
        third wave.                          their number of COVID-19 in- corner  because  the  drug  con-            Some groups of doctors, acade-
            In an interview, Panda said  fections and its intensity in both  troller  just  approved  the  Zy-        micians called for an immediate
        that it is important to not talk  the first and the second wave of  dus vaccine. So even if people            resumption of in-person classes
        of India as a whole and to in- the  pandemic  to  decide  about  get one dose, we know that the               in schools.
        stead take a state-specific view  their  strategy/pandemic  pre- protection goes up 30 per cent                   Further  speaking  the  Med-
        when talking about COVID-19  paredness  for  the  possibility  of  to 50 per cent. So, we should be           anta  Chairman  and  Managing
        because  all  the  states  are  not  the third wave,” the doctor added. patient for another two-three         Director  said,  “In  US,  schools
        homogenous.  “Several  states           Medanta Chairman and  months till the vaccine arrives,                opened but even after vaccina-
        began  imposing  COVID-19  Managing  Director  Dr  Na- children  get  vaccinated,  and                           Continued on next page... >>

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