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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          4

                      kaBul under taliBan

          kashmir on alert!

         With Afghanistan under taliban rule, the terrorist groups in the region are becoming

              more active. Jammu & kashmir has witnessed a rise in violence in the last few

         weeks amid the dominant power sweep of taliban. A huge cause of concern for india

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    could share the nature of which
                                                                                                                      government  could  form  in  Af-
        New Delhi/Doha/Kabul                                                                                          ghanistan,” Bagchi said.

            n a big development, India                                                                                    Earlier,  the  Taliban  had
            said on Thursday that’s it’s                                                                              lauded the development works
        Itoo early to say anything on                                                                                 of India in Afghanistan.
        recognition of the Taliban. In the                                                                                But, India has a lot of rea-
        first  formal  diplomatic  contact                                                                            sons to worry about the Taliban
        between India and the Taliban                                                                                 rule in Kabul.
        on Tuesday after the withdrawal                                                                                   After  Taliban’s  “victory”  in
        of US troops from Afghanistan,                                                                                Afghanistan,  al  Qaeda  posted
        Ambassador of India to Qatar,                                                                                 a  congratulatory  message  in
        Deepak  Mittal,  met  Sher  Mo-                                                                               which  it  called  for  “armed  ji-
        hammad  Abbas  Stanekzai,  the                                                                                had”  to  “liberate  Palestine,  Is-
        head  of  the  Taliban’s  Political                                                                           lamic Magreb, Somalia, Yemen
        Office in Doha.                                                                                               and Kashmir from the enemies
            The  meeting  took  place  at                                                                             of Islam.”
        the Embassy of India, Doha, at         The Border Security Force personnel take their positions along the LoC     The  US-designated  terror
        the request of the Taliban side,     border with Pakistan at Krishna Ghati Sector, in Poonch on Thursday. (ANI)  group then said that just as Af-
        the ministry of external affairs                                                                              ghanistan was “liberated”, Pal-
        ministry said today. The discus-                                                                              estine should be “liberated from
        sions focused on safety, security                                                                             Zionist occupation and the Is-
        and early return of Indian na-                                                                                lamic Maghreb from French oc-
        tionals stranded in Afghanistan.                                                                              cupation,” while also liberating
            The  recent  meeting  with                                                                                “the  Levant,  Somalia,  Yemen,
        Taliban  leadership  in  Doha                                                                                 Kashmir and the rest of the Is-
        should be seen just as a meet-                                                                                lamic lands from the clutches
        ing,  the  Ministry  of  External                                                                             of  the  enemies  of  Islam.”  The
        Affairs said. “Let us see Doha                                                                                message was distributed online
        meeting for what it is, it is just                                                                            by ‘As Sahab’, the media arm of
        a meeting and I think these are                                                                               al  Qaeda,  in  both  Arabic  and
        still very early days. I don’t have                                                                           English just hours after the last
        further on that,” MEA spokes-                                                                                 American soldier left Kabul, re-
        person Arindam Bagchi said on                                                                                 ported FDD’s Long War Jour-
        the question of recognising the               Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mehmood Quereshi with            nal, an American news website.
        Taliban. New Delhi said that its                         the Taliban leaders in Islamabad                         Notably, the al-Qaeda state-
        main concern is that Afghan soil                                                                              ment  was  issued  on  Tuesday,
        should not be used for terrorism  India. We will focus on that el- and  has  categorically  said  that        the day when the head of Tali-
        against India.                       ement,  “  MEA  spokesperson  there is no invitation extended            ban’s  political  office  Sher  Mo-
            “Our  focus  is  not  that  Tal- said.                               to India. “We are not aware of       hammed  Stanakzai  met  with
        iban is a terror organisation or        The MEA has also con- the invite, I have seen media re-               the  Indian  ambassador  to  Qa-
        not, our focus is that Afghan soil  firmed that as if now there is no  ports on the government forma-         tar Deepak Mittal in Doha at
        should not be used in anti-India  official  intimation  on  govern- tion. We don’t have any update            the Indian mission and assured
        activity  and  terrorism  against  ment formation in Afghanistan  on the invitation ‘and neither I               Continued on next page... >>

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