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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 03, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          5

        that the Taliban will address the                                                                             ing manifold in the early 1990s.
        issues raised by the Indian side.                                                                                 India  suffered  first-hand
        Earlier also Taliban had said In-                                                                             due to Taliban rule when Paki-
        dia is an important country and                                                                               stani terrorists hijacked an Indi-
        they want good economic rela-                                                                                 an Airlines flight and took it to
        tions with India.                                                                                             Kandahar in Afghanistan. Tali-
            In  its  two-page  statement,                                                                             ban fighters aided the terrorists
        al-Qaeda  congratulated  all  Is-                                                                             by  preventing  Indian  military
        lamic ummah (community) for                                                                                   intervention and encircling the
        Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan.                                                                             airport. The hijacking led to the
        “On  this  historic  occasion,  we                                                                            release of three dreaded Paki-
        would like to offer our congrat-                                                                              stani  terrorists,  including  JeM
        ulations to the leadership of the                                                                             founder and 26/11 mastermind
        Islamic  Emirate,  specifically                                                                               Masood Azhar.
        Haibatullah  Akhundzada,”  the                                                                                    According to data compiled
        al-Qaeda statement read.                                                                                      by  the  South  Asia  Terrorism
            It said that “It is time for you                                                                          Portal  (SATP),  the  number  of
        to prepare for the next stage of                                                                              casualties in Kashmir dipped
        the struggle, the way for which                                                                               by almost 75% in the five years
        has been paved by the victory of   Jammu and Kashmir BJP President Ravinder Raina addresses a meeting         following  the  US  invasion  and
        the defiant Afghan nation” add-                 on the terror issue in Jammu on Friday. (ANI Photo)           increased scrutiny on terror
        ing  that  the  “historic  victory”                                                                           groups.
        in  Afghanistan  by  the  Taliban                                                                                 Similarly,  the  data  shows
        “will open the way for the Mus-                                                                               that after the fall of the Soviet
        lim masses to achieve liberation                                                                              in  1989  and  the  insurgency  in
        from the despotic rule of tyrants                                                                             Kashmir, the number of fatali-
        who have been imposed by the                                                                                  ties grew drastically from 92 in
        West on the Islamic World.”                                                                                   1989 to 1,177 in 1990.
            Al-Qaeda said it hoped that                                                                                   Following the US invasion of
        the Taliban’s victory in Afghani-                                                                             Afghanistan in 2001 and crack
        stan will lead to additional victo-                                                                           down on terror groups, the in-
        ries for the “oppressed” around                                                                               cidents of violence in Kashmir
        the world.                                                                                                    saw a sharp decline.
            According  to  a  recent  UN                                                                                  The situation improved fur-
        monitoring report, a significant                                                                              ther  after  the  2003  ceasefire
        part of the leadership of al-Qa-                                                                              pact  between  India  and  Paki-
        ida  resides  in  the  Afghanistan                                                                            stan, when both sides agreed to
        and  Pakistan  border  region,                                                                                avoid  violence  along  the  LoC.
        alongside al-Qaida in the Indian                                                                              This restored a fragile peace in
        Subcontinent. Large numbers of           The fighters from the dreaded Badri 313 Brigade of the Taliban force    the  Valley,  even  though  some
        al-Qaida fighters and other for-                                  with their flag                             incidents  of  violence  and  infil-
        eign extremist elements aligned                                                                               tration continued.
        with the Taliban are located in  weeks amid the dominant pow- hard to keep the Valley free of                     Pakistan has been a key play-
        various parts of Afghanistan.        er sweep of Taliban.                terror following the abrogation      er in removing the Afghanistan
            As  per  the  UN  report,  ties     Sources say that Paki- of Article 370. There are valid                government from power and es-
        between  the  two  groups  re- stan-based  terror  outfits  like  fears that Pakistan-based terror            tablishing a group to a decisive
        main close, relationships forged  Jaish-e-Muhammad  and  Lash- groups, emboldened by the Tal-                 position in Afghanistan with its
        through  common  struggle  and  kar-e-Taiba  —  clearly  buoyed  iban rule in Afghanistan, would              dark nexus of terrorist groups in
        intermarriage.  al-Qaida  and  by  the  “victory”  of  Taliban  in  step up efforts to ignite violence        the region for over two decades.
        like-minded militants contin- Afghanistan  —  have  boosted  in J&K.                                              While the silence of the west-
        ue  to  celebrate  developments  infiltration efforts to push their          A quick look at history          ern countries -- who have been
        in Afghanistan as a victory for  cadres into the Valley. The secu- shows how militancy in Kashmir             chanting  rhetoric  over  human
        the Taliban’s cause and thus for  rity threat comes amid al-Qaida  grew as Taliban rose to power in           rights  and  democratic  values
        global  radicalism,  the  report  calling  upon  the  global  Mus- Afghanistan.                               -- has been the most surprising
        added.                               lim community to “free” other           A large number of Mujahe-        aspect of the Afghanistan crisis.
            With the situation in Af- Muslim  lands.  The  group,  re- deen fighters infiltrated into the                 Islamabad was not criticised
        ghanistan volatile, the terrorist  sponsible  for  the  9/11  attacks  Valley in the late 1980s follow-       when  the  Taliban  governing
        groups  in  the  region  are  be- in US, has effectively put Kash- ing the end of the Soviet-Afghan           council is formally referred to as
        coming more active. According  mir on the list of next targets of  war. The influx of these foreign           the Quetta shura, after the city
        to security agencies, Jammu &  global jihad.                             fighters had a direct impact on      in Pakistan where it has operat-
        Kashmir has witnessed a slight          All  these  are  bad  signs  for  the  security situation in Kash-    ed for the past 20 years, report-
        rise in violence in the last few  India  which  has  been  trying  mir, with incidents of terror ris-            Continued on next page... >>

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