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NATION                                                               AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                     J&K ELECTIONS

        Rahul Gandhi bats for complete statehood

                 as Congress stitches an alliance with

                                          National Conference

           BJP leader Amit Shah slams Rahul Gandhi on his stand on reservation policy

                                           after alliance with National Conference

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            go to Maharashtra, you’ll hear a sim-
                                                                                                              ilar complaint,” he said.
        Srinagar/New Delhi
                                                                                                                 “We want statehood for you, that
              head of the Jammu and Kash-                                                                     is in your heart. We want you to run
              mir assembly elections, the                                                                     your state the way you want to. This
        ACongress and the National                                                                            is the message we came to convey,”
        Conference announced a pre-poll                                                                       he added. Rahul Gandhi further said
        alliance on Thursday and said that                                                                    that his relationship with the people
        seat-sharing talks are currently un-                                                                  of Jammu is of love and family.
        derway. The pre-poll alliance was an-                                                                    “My relation with you all is that
        nounced soon after Congress leader                                                                    of love and family. My family comes
        Rahul  Gandhi  and  party  chief  Mal-                                                                from your state, so you have to keep
        likarjun Kharge met NC chief Farooq                                                                   in mind that I am your soldier in Del-
        Abdullah. After the meeting was over,                                                                 hi. Whatever you want... my doors
        Farooq said that the Congress-NC                                                                      are always open for you,” he said.
        would fight on all 90 seats in the as-                                                                    Meanwhile, following the pre-
        sembly polls.                                                                                         poll announcement of allying with
            The announcement came after                                                                       the Congress and the National Con-
        Rahul Gandhi, Congress president                                                                      ference (NC) ahead of the Jammu
        Mallikarjun Kharge and Omar and                                                                       and Kashmir assembly elections on
        Farooq Abdullah met for an hour.                                                                      Thursday, Bharatiya Janata Party
        The formal announcement of the tie-                                                                   (BJP) leader Amit Shah slammed
        up was made by NC patron Farooq                                                                       Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on
        Abdullah in Srinagar.                                                                                 his stand on the reservation policy,
           “United we stand,” JKNC posted                                                                     which does not align with the NC’s
        on X. The announcement was made             Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and Leader of Opposition    manifesto for the upcoming polls.
        after Farooq Abdullah and his son    in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi meet with Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKNC)   Taking to X on Friday, Amit Shah
        Omar met Kharge and Rahul Gand-                                                                       shared a photo of the NC’s manifesto
        hi.  “Congress and  we (NC) are to-            President Farooq Abdullah, in Srinagar on Thursday (ANI)  for the Jammu and Kashmir assem-
        gether. Tarigami sahab (CPM’s M.Y.                                                                    bly, which stated that the NC would
        Tarigami) is also with us. I hope that   and Kashmir will be held in three   mu, the LoP emphasised the culture   strive “to restore 370-35A, and state-
        our people are with us so that we   phases on September 18, 25 and   of Jammu and said that it’s a land of   hood as prior to August 5, 2019.”
        can win and do better for the peo-  October 1. The results will be an-  Maa Vaishno Devi, adding that the   “The Modi govt ended years of
        ple. The alliance has been finalised   nounced on October 4.        people here have different thinking   discrimination against Dalits, tribes,
        and by this evening the details of    Earlier, Rahul Gandhi asserted   and styles.                    Pahadis, and backward communities
        seat-sharing will be announced. The   that it was his and his party’s duty   “Jammu has a culture, a histo-  by granting them reservations after
        Alliance is for 90 seats,” Farooq Ab-  to ensure that the people of Jammu   ry, it’s a land of Maa Vaishno Devi,   the abrogation of Article 370 and
        dullah said.                      and Kashmir get their democratic   your lifestyle and thinking style are   35A,” Shah said.
           “People have suffered much in   rights back and that statehood is   different. Every state has a different   He questioned Rahul Gandhi
        the last 10 years. Statehood is the   restored. Rahul Gandhi said that   style, we want all these cultures, his-  if he supports the NC’s manifesto,
        prime concern for us. And we want   the representation of the people of   tory and languages to be protected.   “which calls for abolishing reserva-
        all the powers of the state. Our com-  Jammu and Kashmir and giving back   We want your voice in your govt. BJP   tions for Dalits, Gujjars, Bakerwals,
        mon program is to fight divisive forc-  the statehood is most important for   has a different thinking, they want to   and Pahadis.”
        es. Our doors are open for all, let’s   the Congress, adding that there is   run the entire country from Nagpur,   “After allying with the National
        first  win  the  election.  My  heart  is   a “battle of ideologies between the   through remote control. The com-  Conference, he should now clarify
        happy today,” the NC patron added.  Congress and RSS.”              plaint  that  you are making  is  that   the Congress Party’s stand on reser-
            Assembly elections in Jammu       Addressing the people of Jam-  outsiders are getting benefits, if you   vation policy,” Shah further stated.

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