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OPINION                                                              AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

        The initiatives in and importance

              of India-Japan Semiconductor

                      Supply Chain Partnership

          China and other Asian countries are ideal locations for assembly, testing and packaging since these

            are labor-intensive stages. Countries can move up the value chain to higher-value activities as the
                                        country’s economy and the skills of its workforce grow

        GAYATRI SINGH                      Japan is focused on revitalizing its semiconductor industry as its share of the global semiconductor market declined from 80% in the 1980s to
                                                                              around 10% in recent years (File photo)
           n July 2023, a Memorandum of
           Cooperation was signed between
        Ithe Ministry of Electronics and   enhance business and industrial co-  The Global Semiconductor      er, the production process is largely
        Information Technology (MeitY),   operation and identify cutting-edge         Landscape               concentrated in East Asia.
        India and the Ministry of Economy,   areas for future collaborations. The                                 The most prominent players in
        Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan   MoC is the first step in the field of   he semiconductor production   the industry are the United States,
        on the India-Japan Semiconductor   semiconductors between India and       process can be divided into five   South Korea, Taiwan, China and
        Supply Chain Partnership.         Japan and is aimed at fostering gov- Tstages: research, design, manu-  Japan, and the current model of
            This  partnership  is  built upon   ernment-to-government  and  indus-  facturing, assembly, testing, packag-  the supply chain is based on com-
        ongoing initiatives between the two   try-to-industry collaboration.   ing (ATP), and distribution. Different   parative advantage, wherein each
        countries, like the India-Japan Dig-  The partnership is said to focus   stages in the production process have   country specializes in specific stages
        ital Partnership (IJDP) and India-Ja-  on  five  key  areas:  semiconductor   different technical, human and finan-  of production in the semiconductor
        pan Industrial Competitiveness Part-  design, manufacturing, equipment   cial resource requirements. Given the   global supply chain. The US, Taiwan
        nership (IJICP), which are designed   research, talent development and   complexity of the multi-stage produc-  and Japan hold large shares in man-
        to drive digital transformation,   establishing resilience in the supply   tion process, no country is entirely   ufacturing and design. Some of the
        encourage  startup  collaborations,   chain.                        self-sufficient in production. Howev-    Continued on next page... >>

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