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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

          Indian Prime Minister meets with Ukrainian students who are learning the Hindi language at
                          the School of Oriental Studies in Kyiv (ANI)

        tion (IGC) in fostering a future-orient-  rected the Co-Chairs of the IGC to
        ed and stronger economic partnership   explore all possible ways not only to
        between the two countries.        restore bilateral trade and economic
            They appreciated the review of   relations to pre-conflict levels but also   PM Modi pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi in Kyiv on Friday (ANI)
        the IGC conducted during the visit   to expand and deepen them further.
        of the Ukrainian Minister for Foreign   The leaders emphasized the im-  tary strengths, including the harmoni-  visit India.”
        Affairs to India in March 2024 and   portance of enhancing the ease of do-  zation  of  standards  and  certification   Jaishankar also spoke about the
        the efforts to hold the meetings of the   ing business to facilitate mutual eco-  procedures.         humanitarian assistance provided by
        Joint Working Groups, with a view to   nomic activities and investments, while   Amid the visit of Modi to   India to Ukraine and said, “In the
        convening the 7th Session of the IGC   also removing any impediments to   Ukraine on Friday, External Affairs   past, we have been providing human-
        at a mutually convenient time in 2024.   greater trade and commerce between   Minister S. Jaishankar said that the   itarian assistance to Ukraine, and I
        The Ukrainian side welcomed the ap-  India and Ukraine. Both sides encour-  Prime Minister has extended an invite   think, 17 consignments have been
        pointment of India’s External Affairs   aged  greater  engagement  at  official   to Zelenskyy to visit India. Addressing   delivered so far to Ukraine largely in
        Minister, Dr S. Jaishankar, as the Co-  and business levels to explore joint   a press briefing in the Ukrainian cap-  the medical side. India handed over
        Chair of the IGC, according to the   projects, collaborations, and ventures.  ital Kyiv, Jaishankar said, “PM is here   Bhishm Cube of Medical assistance
        statement.                            The leaders recalled the strong   (Ukraine) for the first time after 1992,   to Ukraine. They contain medical
            In light of the significant reduc-  ties between the two nations in ag-  and it is natural on such occasion to   support equipment which are very
        tion in annual bilateral trade in goods   riculture and expressed a desire to   extend such invitation which he did in   effective, compact, and deployable in
        since 2022 due to challenges related   enhance bilateral interaction and   this case. So, we expect that as per his   many ways. These cubes, with a total
        to the ongoing war, the leaders di-  market access based on complemen-  convenience, President Zelenskyy will   weight of 22 tons were handed today.”

                                  Modi presents BHISHM Cubes to Zelenskyy

                rime Minister Modi during   to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.”  of India  has created  the BHISHM   Due to clear and convenient
                his visit to Ukraine present-  Notably, each BHISHM Cube    initiative, which provides the means   classification,  the  medicines  and
          Ped four BHISHM (Bharat         consists of medicines and equipment   to deliver all basic facilities and   equipment are easy to use. The
          Health Initiative for Sahyog Hita &   for the first line of care for all kinds   equipment for providing emergency   inventory management uses RFID
          Maitri) Cubes to the Government   of injuries and medical situations.   medical care, in an easy to use and   and  is  automatically  updated.
          of Ukraine on Friday. Ukrainian   It also includes surgical equipment   rapidly deployable manner.  Therefore, exact stock is easily as-
          President Volodymyr Zelenskyy   for a basic Operation Room that       This is achieved by packing all the   certained. The BHISHM app and
          thanked PM Modi for the humani-  can manage 10-15 basic surgeries   relevant  medicines  and  equipment   a digital tablet provide access to
          tarian assistance, a press release by   per day. The Cube has the capacity   in cubical boxes (of 15 inches) in a   the required knowhow including
          the Ministry of External Affairs said.  to handle about 200 cases of diverse   well-organized manner, and arranged   through instructional videos. The
              The cubes will help in the ex-  nature in emergency situations such   according to the types of injuries and   tablet currently supports about
          peditious treatment of the injured   as trauma, bleeding, burns, fractures,   medical issues, that could be encoun-  180 languages.
          and contribute to saving precious   etc. It can also generate its own pow-  tered in a war or natural disaster.  Overall, the BHISM Cube has
          lives. PM Modi also shared pic-  er and oxygen in limited amounts. A   These mini cubes are then po-  the ability to handle about 200 cas-
          tures on his X handle and said,   team of experts from India has been   sitioned on a framework that is ad-  es of diverse nature in emergency
          “Bharat Health Initiative for Sa-  deployed to provide initial training   justable, strong and permits multi-  situations such as trauma, bleed-
          hyog Hita & Maitri (BHISHM)     to the Ukrainian side to operate   mode transport (by air, sea, land and   ing, burns, fractures, shock, apart
          is a unique effort which will en-  the Cube.  The  gesture underscores   drone). In fact, the mini cubes can   from managing initial triage and
          sure medical facilities in a rapidly   India’s continued commitment to   be carried by a person (max weight   classification. It also has the abil-
          deployable manner. It consists of   provide humanitarian assistance to   of 20 kg). Thirty-six of these mini   ity to support basic surgeries and
          cubes which contain medicines   Ukraine.                          cubes mentioned above form a moth-  can also generate its own power
          and equipment for medical care.     Under the broad umbrella of   er cube and two such mother cubes   and oxygen in limited amounts/
          Today, presented BHISHM cubes   Project Aarogya Maitri, Government   combine to form a BHISHM Cube.  duration.

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