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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 30, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                      MODI GOES TO UKRAINE


             In a landmark move, Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes to Kyiv and reaffirms

          India’s principled stance and focused on peaceful resolution through dialogue and

                                   diplomacy. What is the significance of Modi’s visit?

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
           n a landmark gesture on Friday,
           Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        Igreeted Ukraine President Volo-
        dymyr Zelenskyy in Ukrainian capital
        city Kyiv with his trademark hug. Both
        leaders honored the Memory of Chil-
        dren at the Martyrologist Expositin at
        the Ukraine National Museum in Kyiv.
            After paying floral tributes at the
        Mahatma Gandhi memorial, Prime
        Minister Modi met with Zelenskyy
        ahead of their bilateral talks. Modi’s
        visit  marks  the  first-ever  visit  by  an
        Indian Prime Minister to the country.
            The Gandhi statue, symboliz-
        ing the enduring legacy of Mahatma
        Gandhi and his principles of peace
        and non-violence. The bronze statue
        of the Mahatma at AV Fomin Botan-
        ical Garden was unveiled in 2020 on
        the occasion of the 151st birth anni-
        versary of Mahatma Gandhi.
            Modi visited Ukraine on Friday
        at the invitation of Zelenskyy. During
        their discussions, the leaders empha-
        sized the importance of achieving a
        comprehensive, just, and lasting peace
        through dialogue and diplomacy. This
        visit marks the first ever by an Indian   Prime Minister Narendra Modi exchanges greetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on his arrival at Marinsky Palace in Kyiv (ANI)
        Prime Minister to Ukraine since dip-
        lomatic relations were established be-  mitment, India attended the Summit   to a strategic partnership in the fu-  ucts to global markets, particularly in
        tween the two countries in 1992.  on Peace in Ukraine, held in Burgen-  ture.  They  reaffirmed  their  commit-  Asia and Africa.
            PM Modi and President Zelen-  stock, Switzerland, in June 2024.  ment to further developing bilateral   PM Modi reiterated the need
        skyy  reiterated their  commitment    The Ukrainian side welcomed   ties for the benefit of the peoples of   for sincere and practical engagement
        to further cooperation in upholding   India’s participation and highlighted   both countries, based on mutual trust,   between  all  stakeholders  to  develop
        international law, including the UN   the importance of high-level Indian   respect, and openness. The leaders   innovative solutions that will have
        Charter and principles such as re-  involvement in the next Peace Sum-  also appreciated the participation of   broad acceptability and contribute
        spect for the territorial integrity and   mit. Ukraine suggested that the Joint   Ukrainian  official  delegations  in  the   to the early restoration of peace. He
        sovereignty of states. They agreed on   Communique on a Peace Framework,   Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024   reaffirmed India’s willingness to con-
        the desirability of closer bilateral di-  adopted at the Summit on Peace in   and the Raisina Dialogue 2024, ac-  tribute in every possible way to facili-
        alogue in this regard, according to a   Ukraine, could serve as a basis for   cording to the joint statement.  tate a swift return to peace.
        joint statement by the Ministry of Ex-  further efforts to promote a just peace   The leaders commended efforts   The leaders emphasized the im-
        ternal Affairs.                   based on dialogue, diplomacy, and in-  to ensure global food security, includ-  portance of the  Indian-Ukrainian
            The  Indian  side  reaffirmed  its   ternational law.           ing the Ukrainian humanitarian grain   Intergovernmental Commission on
        principled stance and focused on      Both leaders expressed mutual   initiative.  They  emphasized  the  im-  Trade,  Economic,  Scientific,  Techni-
        peaceful resolution through dialogue   interest in elevating bilateral relations   portance of an uninterrupted and un-  cal, Industrial and Cultural Coopera-
        and diplomacy. As part of this com-  from  a  comprehensive  partnership   hindered supply of agricultural prod-  Continued on next page... >>

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