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OP-ED AUGUST 26, 2022 | The Indian Eye 12
Climate change, flag hoisting
and an Asian tussle
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
hina’s southwestern regions
battled fires this week follow-
Cing a severe heat wave, putting
their autumn harvest under pressure.
Europe last month experienced heat-
waves and wildfires and further west,
the US government has for the first
time ever declared a water shortage
on the critical Colorado River. Parts
of India experienced a severe heat-
wave in March, which shrunk the
wheat output. True, the southwest
monsoon hasn’t disappointed. With
a cumulative rainfall of 71cm till Au-
gust 24, it’s 9% above normal. And
the storage level in 143 major reser-
voirs till August 18 was 125% of the
last decade’s average water level. At
a regional level, however, rainfall has
been deficient across a vast swathe
from UP to Bengal. While the gap
has narrowed recently in Bengal, the
dry spell in July-August is bound to
adversely impact the national paddy
There’s a strong link between
paddy and water shortage – because
it’s a water guzzling crop. So, the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal waves tricolor flag at the ‘Har Hath Tiranga’ program on the eve of Independence Day 2022 in New Delhi (ANI)
message from climate change in this
context is, get smart about how you
use water. The telling statistic is that century required the development of other is an existential threat. The had merely requested people to do
India has 17% of the world’s popu- both of the world’s two most popu- differences and tensions between In- so for “har ghar tiranga”, at least on
lation and 4% of its water resources. lous nations. Neither Mr Jaishankar’s dia and China are deep and complex. Independence Day. But, if we were to
Irrigation takes up 90% of the coun- comment nor China’s response is in They will not be resolved anytime take the rationale further, then there
try’s groundwater draft. And Indian itself unique. But coming at a time soon. But reviving the idea of an Asia is no need to celebrate a special oc-
farmers use two to four times more when New Delhi and Beijing are go- where both prosper is a vital first step. casion, through acts like the singing
water to produce a unit of grain as ing through a prolonged chill in re- -- Editorial Board, The Telegraph of the national anthems of the two
compared to China and Brazil – a lations over the presence of Chinese countries before a cricket match or
terrible waste. This has serious envi- troops in a pocket of Ladakh that (India) the Olympic committee playing the
ronmental consequences too. India claims, it is significant that dip- Freedom of individual national anthem of the country that
lomats of the neighboring nations are wins a gold medal. This is a mark of
-- Editorial, The Times of India echoing each other. am confused by two important respect for a special occasion and we
issues facing us. One, flying the
But the current Indian govern-
Asian century? ment has also tied itself in knots by I should honor it. There is no question
of freedom of choice here. By the
Indian flag on the 75th year of
hina and India have an agree- portraying to its domestic audience a Independence, and two, the little way, I stand in cinema halls when the
ment — not on their contest- macho image of its foreign policy ca- work being done by elected MPs in national anthem is sung before a film.
Ced border, but at least on a pabilities that is at variance with the Parliament. Both relate to freedom And I don’t think it should be played
broad vision for Asia’s future. Last reality. That makes any accommoda- of individual expression in a thriv- before a source of entertainment like
week, India’s external affairs minis- tion with China, even if it is sensible, ing democracy. The first issue aris- a film, but stand I will.
ter, S. Jaishankar, spoke about the vulnerable to politically damaging es when some say that they will not -- Sunil Alagh, The Indian Express
concept of an “Asian century” and accusations of a compromise with fly the national flag. They feel that
said that it cannot be realized un- national interests. It is time for both they are always patriotic and it is not Every week, we look at what the top
less India and China work together. New Delhi and Beijing to take a step necessary to show it for a few days commentators in the Indian media are
Asked about his comment, the Chi- back and acknowledge the truth in this time. I respect their freedom of talking about and bring to you a slice
nese foreign ministry suggested that Mr Jaishankar’s words: neither coun- choice. It’s not at all compulsory to of their opinions and comments
it agreed, and that indeed, an Asian try can realize its true potential if the wave the flag as the Prime Minister