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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 26, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 16

                             75TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDIAN INDEPENDENCE
                             75TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDIAN INDEPENDENCE
                Consulate General of India celebrates

              August 15 with members of community

        Consul General confers Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) Quiz – 2022 Gold Medal for the PIO/OCI category on Riya Dadheech

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he Consulate General of India,
              New York, celebrated 76th In-
        Tdependence Day of India on
        Monday, August 15, 2022 at the Con-
        sulate in the presence of members of
        the community, including State Sena-
        tor, New York Mr. Kevin Thomas, the
        first Indian-American State Senator in
        New York. During the program, Con-
        sul General conferred Azadi ka Amrit
        Mahotsav (AKAM) Quiz – 2022 Gold
        Medal for the PIO/OCI category on
        Ms. Riya Dadheech. Miss Riya Dad-
        heech and Mr. Udayan Dhar are the
        winners of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahot-
        sav (AKAM) Quiz – 2022 Gold Medal                          Consul General Randhir Jaiswal unfurls Indian flag at the CGI New York
        from the jurisdiction of the Consulate.
            Congratulatory messages from
        several local elected officials and ce-
        lebrities were received. Governors,
        State Assemblies and City Govern-
        ments from nine States under the
        Consulate’s jurisdiction issued procla-
        mations and citations celebrating In-
        dia’s 75 years of independence.
            Later, Consul General hoisted
        the national flag in a special event or-
        ganized  by  the  Federation  of  Indian   CGI Randhir Jaiswal
        Associations (FIA – NY/NJ/CT) at the
        iconic Times Square in New York City.
        On August 15th, FIA– NY/NJ/CT in
        collaboration with the Consulate or-
        ganized a lighting Ceremony at Em-
        pire State Building in New York City.
            Among other community orga-
        nized events, the prominent ones were
        11th India Day Parade organized in
        Hicksville, Long Island, New York,
        August 07th; Heritage of India festival   Yoshita Singh-PTI with CGI Randhir Jaiswal  CGI Randhir Jaiswal addressing the community
        organized by Indian American Cultur-
        al Association of Westchester, August
        07th; flag hoisting ceremony at Phila-  Indian  Associations  (FIA),  New  En-  of India’s independence, the Consul-  The grand finale of this series will take
        delphia City Hall by Council of Indian   gland, Boston, August 13th; India Day   ate General of India in association   place on 15th August, featuring In-
        Organizations in Greater Philadelphia   Parade organized by Indian Business   with the Indo-American Arts Coun-  dia’s celebrated Sarod maestro Ustad
        on  August  12th;  Independence  Day   Association, New Jersey on August   cil (IAAC) celebrated Festival of In-  Amjad Ali Khan at the Carnegie Hall.
        celebrations at Connecticut State Cap-  14th. The special feature of the Bos-  dia@75. The series began on August   The  celebrations  organized
        itol  Building  held  by  Indian  associa-  ton celebrations, held close to Boston   5th with a photo exhibition by cele-  around Independence Day, this year,
        tion of Central Connecticut on August   Harbour, was that it meaningfully   brated photographer Steve McCurry.   had a distinct flavor of Azadi ka Am-
        13th;  India  day  Parade  organized  by   brought out the shared historical con-  In the subsequent days, noted Clas-  rit Mahotsav. Wholehearted Partici-
        Council of Heritage and Arts of India,   nections between Indian and Ameri-  sical vocalist Kaushiki Chakraborty,   pation from members of the diaspora
        at Williamsville, Buffalo, August 13th;   can independence.         flautist Rakesh Chaurasia and Sitarist   and friends of India transformed the
        India Day Parade & Flag Hoisting cel-  In order to mark a special cele-  Purbayan  Chatterjee  performed  at   landmark celebrations into a true peo-
        ebrations organized by Federation of   bration  on  the  occasion  of  75  years   the Carnegie Hall in New York City.   ple’s movement.

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