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NATION                                                               AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                      CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN

           Doctors, medical students across India

                 continue to protest against Kolkata

                                  doctor rape-murder case

           Doctors and medical students of the All-India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Friday

                                   demanded a Central Protection Act for healthcare workers.

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            nist) Dr Shahriar Alam said, “Today
                                                                                                              this strike has a huge impact. People
        Bengaluru/New Delhi
                                                                                                              have spontaneously responded to
               octors and medical students                                                                    our call and throughout Siliguri like
               across India continued to                                                                      the Medical College area, people
        Dprotest on Friday to demand                                                                          have not taken out their vehicles, and
        justice for a woman doctor, who was                                                                   they have not opened the shops. We
        allegedly raped and murdered at                                                                       can say that the impact is very good.
        Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College                                                                      We have called this strike to protest
        and Hospital. Junior doctors at Lady                                                                  against the heinous incident at RG
        Hardinge Medical College and Hos-                                                                     Kar Medical College and Hospital.”
        pital and RML Hospital in the na-                                                                         Amid nationwide protests con-
        tional capital staged a protest against                                                               demning the rape and murder of a
        the rape and murder of a woman res-                                                                   trainee doctor in Kolkata, doctors
        ident doctor in Kolkata.                                                                              and medical students of the All In-
            Doctors raised the slogan of “We                                                                  dia Institutes  of  Medical Sciences
        want justice” while protesting against                                                                (AIIMS) on Friday demanded a
        the rape and murder incident.                                                                         Central Protection Act for health-
                                                                                                              care workers.
        Dr Akash from RML Hospital ap-                                                                            AIIMS Delhi doctor Kumar
        pealed to the doctors and com-     Homeopathy doctors hold placards as they stage a protest demanding justice for the alleged   Kartikay said that they will not step
                                                                                                              back till they get an assurance that
        mon people to reach Nirman        sexual assault and murder of a female postgraduate trainee doctor of Kolkata RG Kar Medical   action will be taken in the matter.
        Bhawan in large numbers to                          College, in Lucknow on Wednesday (ANI)               “We want to peacefully put for-
        peacefully put forward their is-                                                                      ward our demands. We demand a
        sues in front of the government   will be taken,” he said.          (SCTIMST), Regional Cancer Cen-   Central Protection Act for health-
                                                                                                              care workers. Until we get a writ-
                                                                            tre (RCC), Dental PG Association,
                                              Meanwhile, the Resident Doc-
        and seek justice for the alleged   tors Association, Government Med-  House Surgeons Association and   ten assurance, we will continue our
        rape and murder victim in Kolkata.  ical College in Amritsar, Punjab has   Students  unions  of  various  medi-  strike... We are expecting around
                                          announced the suspension of all   cal colleges has called for a 24-hour   3000-5000 people at  Nirman  Bha-
           “I appeal to all doctors and com-  non-essential and elective hospital   strike in Kerala.         wan today from all the medical col-
        mon people to reach Nirman Bha-   services, including Out Patient De-   All Undergraduate and Post-   leges in Delhi... We will not step back
        wan in large numbers so that we can   partments, Operating Theaters and   graduate medical, dental and para-  or sit quietly till we get an assurance
        peacefully put forward our issues in   wards, beginning on August 16 and   medical students have been carrying   that action will be taken,” he said.
        front of the government and seek   continuing until further notice.  out silent protests inside the Nair   Junior doctors and medical
        justice for our colleague from Ben-   They also announced the sus-  Hospital premises demanding safe   students at AIIMS Mangalagiri,
        gal who lost her life to this barbaric   pension of all non-essential and elec-  and secure environments in govern-  Andhra Pradesh also staged a pro-
        and gruesome act. We also want to   tive hospital services on Friday.  ment medical colleges and hospitals.   test and performed a street play to
        tell our friends protesting in Bengal   Doctors have been staging pro-  Outpatient Department services   protest against the rape and murder
        that they are not alone in this fight,   tests outside Guru Nanak Dev Hos-  have been shut down.      of a woman resident doctor at Kol-
        all doctors across the country stand   pital in Amritsar.               Doctors of the Mahatma Gand-  kata’s RG Kar Medical College and
        in solidarity with them... We demand   The Kerala Medical Postgrad-  hi Memorial Government Hospital   Hospital.
        a  Central Protection Act  from  the   uates Association (KMPGA) along   in  Tamil  Nadu’s  Trichy  have  been   Senior Resident Doctor at
        government. Our protest will contin-  with  resident  doctors  associations   protesting wearing black badges as a   AIIMS Mangalagiri, Dr Sreeja re-
        ue till we do not get assurance from   of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for   mark of protest.        quested the CBI to conduct a trans-
        the government that concrete steps   Medical Sciences and Technology    A member of SUCI (Commu-      parent investigation.

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