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NATION                                                               AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                           ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS

                Parties welcome decision as Election Panel

           announces polls in J&K after a gap of 10 years

            In December of last year, the Supreme Court directed the Centre to conclude

                                        the election process by September 30, 2024

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            169 are Transgender, 82,590 PwDs,
                                                                                                              73943 very senior citizens, 2660 cen-
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              tenarians, 76092 service electors, and
              he Assembly elections for                                                                       3.71 lakh are first-time voters.
              Haryana will be held in a sin-                                                                      In December of last year, the Su-
        Tgle phase on October 1 and the                                                                       preme Court directed the Centre to
        polling in the Union Territory of Jam-                                                                conclude the election process by Sep-
        mu and Kashmir will be held in three                                                                  tember 30, 2024.
        phases from September 18 to Octo-
        ber 1, Chief Election Commissioner                                                                    Jammu and Kashmir will wit-
        Rajiv Kumar announced on Friday.
            As per the announcement, the                                                                      ness elections after a gap of ten
        voters in Jammu and Kashmir will                                                                      years as the last assembly elec-
        cast their votes on September 18, and
        September 25, and the third phase                                                                     tion was held in 2014. The PDP-
        will take place on October 1, along                                                                   BJP coalition government fell in
        with Haryana. The counting of the
        votes will take place on October 4                                                                    June 2018 when the latter with-
        for Haryana and Jammu and Kash-                                                                       drew support to the then-Chief
        mir states, announced Chief Election
        Commissioner Rajiv Kumar.                                                                             Minister,   Mehbooba     Mufti.
            The election body has directed   Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar with Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar
        the enforcement agencies to be im-  and SS Sandhu holds a review meeting with the Chief Secretary, DGP and Administrative   Meanwhile, in Haryana, there
        partial and transparent for a smooth                                                                  are a total of 2.01 crore voters in
        and fair polling, ensuring a level play-  Secretaries regarding the poll preparedness for the Haryana Assembly elections,    Haryana, of which 1.06 crore are
        ing field, the CEC said.                                in Chandigarh on Monday (ANI)                 males,  0.95 crores are  females,  4.52
            The dates to file the nominations                                                                 lakhs are first-time voters and 40.95
        for the first phase will be on August  tions for the third phase of the Jam-  eral, nine are ST and seven are SC.  lakhs are young voters.
        27, nominations for the second phase  mu and Kashmir elections.         In Jammu and Kashmir, there      In 2024, Haryana is likely to see
        will be on September 5, and Septem-   There are a total of 90 assembly   are 87.09 lakh total electors. Of which  a four-way contest between the BJP,
        ber 12 is the last day to file nomina-  constituencies, of which 74 are Gen-  44.46 lakh are male, 42.62 female,  the Congress, the JJP, and the AAP.

                     “Will begin election campaign soon”: Omar Abdullah

               oon after the Election Com-  tions in three phases. The schedule   “We are writing to the Elec-    Meanwhile, Congress wel-
               mission announced the dates   will be over in a short time. After   tion Commission of India that they   comed the announcement of the
          Sof the Jammu and Kashmir       1987-1988, this is the first time when   should investigate the transfers that   elections  and  said  that  the  first
          polls, National Conference leader   the elections in J&K are being con-  happened in J&K in the last 24   step  has been taken.  “I  welcome
          Omar Abdullah on Friday asserted   ducted in such a small number of   hours.  Several  officers  were  trans-  this. Even though it is late, at least
          that his party is ready for the polls   phases. The National Conference   ferred suddenly, we doubt these   a step has been taken. Today is a
          and campaigning will begin soon.  was ready for this day. We will begin   transfers have been made to benefit   happy day for the people of Jam-
              Addressing the press confer-  our election campaign soon,” Abdul-  the B and C teams of the BJP by the   mu and Kashmir. After the forma-
          ence, Omar Abdullah asserted    lah said.                         LG, which has been put here by the   tion of the House, we will contin-
          that the National Conference is     Omar Abdullah called on the   BJP. In the last 1-2 years, the securi-  ue our fight to restore statehood.
          ready for the election. “Der aaye   Election Commission to take notice   ty of some leaders has been reduced   People have to vote carefully and
          durust aaye (Better late than nev-  of concerns over the reshuffle of se-  and withdrawn. We request the ECI   vote  for  those  who  will  fight  for
          er). The Election Commission has   nior police officers and chiefs before   to give orders and ensure that their   statehood,” Congress leader Ghu-
          announced the dates of the elec-  polling.                        security is restored,” he added.  lam Ahmad Mir said.

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