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OPINION                                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

          Japan-Sri Lanka Recent

               Bilateral Engagement:

                                         An Overview

             Japan’s decision to resume the suspended projects, including the development of Bandaranaike

        International Airport’s (BIA) $383 million project, is an important push for bilateral relations that hit
                                       a low during the Presidentship of Gotabaya Rajapaksa

        DR. SAMATHA MALLEMPATI              The Sri Lankan Government also cancelled the $500 million tripartite deal to develop the Colombo Port’s Eastern Container Terminal (ECT)
                                                                                 together with India (File photo)
             ri Lanka and Japan established
             diplomatic relations in 1952,
        Sand Japan became a member of     120 projects. In 2022, after Sri Lanka   Focus on Economic Recovery   2022. It has now emerged as the first
        the Colombo Plan in 1954.         plunged into the economic crisis, Ja-                               country to resume the suspended
            Since then, Japan has been Sri   pan provided a total of $104 million   n  this background,  the decision   projects after Sri Lanka signed the
        Lanka’s long-time socio-economic   in grant assistance, including $77.8   announced by Japan on 24th July   Debt Treatment Agreement with Of-
        development partner and has taken   million in humanitarian assistance,  I2024 that it will resume disburse-  ficial Creditor Committee (OCC) in
        a keen interest in Sri Lanka’s peace   which was “the highest amount of   ment  to  Yen  Loan  Projects  in  Sri   July 2024.
        building and reconciliation process.   annual grant assistance provided by   Lanka is a clear boost to the country’s   Japan, as a co-chair of the OCC,
        Over the years, it has also emerged   Japan to Sri Lanka in its history”.   economic recovery process, as it can   also played an important role in the
        as one of the largest bilateral credi-  The year 2022 also marked the 70th   also lead to more investments in var-  conclusion of the agreement. Nearly
        tors to Sri Lanka by providing about   anniversary of the establishment of   ious sectors by other external donors.   11 Japan-funded stalled projects are
        $8.8 billion worth of Official Devel-  diplomatic relations between the two   Japan suspended its projects after Sri   going to be restarted in the sectors,
        opment Assistance (ODA) to nearly   countries.                      Lanka declared bankruptcy in April       Continued on next page... >>

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