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BIG STORY                                                            AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    4


           VISION for 2047

             In his 11th address from the Red Fort on August 15, Narendra Modi spells out

            his blueprint for India’s development. Modi’s focus remains on ease of living and

               reforms. But the Opposition flays him for his demand for a uniform civil code

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
           n his 11th year as Prime Minister
           of India, Narendra Modi has out-
        Ilined  his  vision  to  fulfil  ‘ease  of
        living’ in a mission mode and called
        upon government officials and public
        representatives to dedicatedly work
        in this direction. Addressing the na-
        tion on the 78th Independence Day
        from the ramparts of Red Fort, the
        Prime Minister urged people to work
        for the resolve of making India a de-
        veloped country by 2047.
            This year’s celebration marked
        the 11th time PM Modi addressed the
        nation from the Red Fort on Inde-
        pendence Day, making him the third
        Prime Minister after Jawaharlal Neh-
        ru and Indira Gandhi to achieve this
        milestone. The theme for this year’s
        Independence Day is ‘Viksit Bharat
        @ 2047,’ aiming to drive the Govern-
        ment’s efforts to transform India into
        a developed nation by 2047.
            “With new opportunities arising
        in  India,  I  can  confidently  say  that
        two key developments have accel-
        erated our progress - the creation
        of  modern  infrastructure  and  ‘ease
        of living’. We have made significant
        strides in upgrading our infrastruc-              PM Modi addresses the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort on 78th Independence Day(ANI Photo)
        ture and have placed equal emphasis
        on making life easier for everyone,”
        PM Modi said.                     do this, then 140 crore Indians of my   die attitude and we got freedom and   “We should not let this opportu-
            He said that 40 crore Indians   family can do wonders if they take   now we must have the strength to live   nity go, we will then achieve the goals
        showed strength and courage to drive   one pledge...despite all challenges we   for the nation that can make a strong   of Viksit Bharat by 2047,” he added.
        away the British during the struggle   can make a Viksit Bharat by 2047,”   India,” he added.             PM Modi was warmly welcomed
        for Independence and 140 crore Indi-  PM Modi said.                     The Prime Minister also high-  by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
        ans can do wonders with their resolve   “Now is the time to  live for   lighted the reforms undertaken by   and other dignitaries as he arrived ear-
        for  a  Viksit  Bharat.  “Before  inde-  Viksit Bharat 2047 and citizens are   the central government in the past 10   lier for the celebrations at Red Fort.
        pendence, 40 crore Indians showed   determined. We have to become   years and said that this has increased   Modi delivering his Indepen-
        courage, dedication and bravery and   Atmabirbhar in every field. It is the   self-confidence in the youth and their   dence Day speech to the nation on
        moved with one motto and broke    determination of the Indians that is   desire to take giant leaps. He said   Thursday, batted for a Uniform Civil
        the shackles of colonial rule despite   driving my resolve. India can become   that after  the independence there   Code (UCC) stating that India will
        all adversities. Their only goal was   a developed nation by 2047. There   was an atmosphere of status quo in   now have to move towards a secular
        freedom. If 40 crore Indians could   was a time when people had a do-or-  the country that needed to be broken.  Continued on next page... >>

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