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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 30

                    New AAPI Team spells out its

                          vision for the organization

        OUR BUREAU                        2024 AAPI’s voting process and have   hematologist and oncologist from   ty leader and philanthropist with a
                                          elected a new, diverse, balanced, and   Dayton, Ohio, practicing Medicine   stellar record of serving in several
        Chicago, IL
                                          experienced team to lead AAPI, the   for  over  two  decades,  said:  “I  want   leadership roles in AAPI, says, “I
           ’m very honored and consider  largest ethnic medical organization   to take this opportunity to thank past   will collaborate with legislative bod-
           myself fortunate to be bestowed  in the United States in the coming   leadership, along with the executive   ies and medical associations such as
        Iwith the responsibility of leading  year and beyond.”              committee, Board of Trustees, and   the AMA, ACP, and FSMB, in our
        the  American Association of Physi-   Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, the     chairs of all standing committees, for   efforts to amplify our impact.”
        cians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the  President-Elect in 2024-25 said in a   their year of dedicated service. Let   Dr. Kathula has laid out his vi-
        four-decades-old strong and largest  statement: “I trust and believe that   us continue to support each other,   sion for AAPI:
        ethnic medical organization in the  under the leadership of Dr. Satheesh   innovate, and strive for excellence.   • Promote AAPI’s mission of edu-
        United States. With the cooperation  Kathula, we will continue the noble   The challenges we  overcome today   cation, excellence in patient care,
        and collaboration of an excellent  mission of AAPI and strengthen our   will pave the way for a brighter and   research, and professionalism.
        team of dedicated, hardworking, and  efforts to make our beloved organi-  more prosperous future for all.”   • Increase membership of AAPI and
        loyal  officers  and  executive  commit-  zation reach greater heights.”  Dr. Kathula, who graduated    enhance membership benefits. En-
        tee members who are with me, we       Dr. Chakrabarty,   a Consultant   from Siddhartha Medical College,   gage the younger generation more.
        will take AAPI to newer heights,” Dr.  Urologist, Poplar Bluff Urology,   Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, In-  • Collaborate with major physician
        Satheesh Kathula, who has assumed  Past Chairman of Urologic Clinics of   dia in 1992 is a clinical professor of   organizations in the US.
        charge as the President of AAPI said.  North Alabama P.C., and the Direc-  medicine at Wright State Universi-  • Fast-tracking of Green Cards pro-
            Dr. Kathula did not have to con-  tor of the Center for Continence and   ty-Boonshoft School of Medicine,   cess for Physicians
        test the elections this year, as he has  Female Pelvic Health said, “Since my   Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Kathula is a Dip-  • Leverage the strength of 100,000
        been serving as the President-Elect  membership to AAPI In 1997, I have   lomate of the American Board of   Indian American Doctors through
        during the past year. Dr. Amit  been a dedicated foot soldier for the   Lifestyle Medicine. He has authored   Legislative endeavors.
        Chakrabarty, who has been serving as  American Association of Physicians   several papers and articles in medi-  The  growing  influence  of  phy-
        the Vice President in the past year also  of Indian Origin.”        cal journals and is in the process of   sicians of Indian heritage is evident,
        did not have to face elections as per   As the President-Elect, the   writing  a  book, describing  his  jour-  as increasingly physicians of Indi-
        the AAPI By-Laws, as he automat-  multi-talented professional said, “I un-  ney as an immigrant physician. “For   an origin hold critical positions in
        ically  becomes  the  President-Elect  derstand that AAPI needs experienced   the past 22 years, I’ve been proudly   healthcare, academic, research, and
        of AAPI for the current year.  leadership from someone who has      serving as a Hematologist and On-  administrative positions across the
            While thanking the tens of thou-  been in AAPI leadership for over two   cologist in the Dayton community,   nation. Physicians of Indian origin
        sands of Indian American physicians,  decades.  I know what works and what   considering it my home:”  are known for their great achieve-
        who are active members of the Amer-  does not.  This is a major contribution   While elaborating on his broad-  ments, and their contributions to
        ican Association of Physicians of  that I can make this year in guiding   er agenda as the 43rd  President of   their motherland, India, and their
        Indian Origin (AAPI), Dr. Kathula  the leadership to progress in the right   AAPI, Dr. Kathula, an  eminent   adopted land, the United States in
        said, “We are grateful to AAPI mem-  direction  efficiently  and  effectively.”  physician of over 25 years’ standing   significant  ways  to  the  transforma-
        bers who have participated in the     Dr.  Kathula,  a  board-certified   in Ohio, an admirable communi-  tion of Indo-US relations.

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