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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 26

                          Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar

         Officially Announces She is Running to Become

                     the 46th Comptroller of New York City

                                                                                                                 A Stanford Law educated attor-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              ney who studied accounting, law and
        New York, NY                                                                                          economics, Rajkumar has a record
                                                                                                              of taking on multinational corpora-
              ssemblywoman Jenifer Raj-                                                                       tions. She has already saved millions
              kumar  (D-38)  has  officially
        Aannounced she is running to                                                                          of taxpayer dollars in her career. Col-
        become the 46th Comptroller of New                                                                    laborating with the U.S. Department
                                                                                                              of Justice, she held multinational cor-
        York City in 2025. If elected, the As-                                                                porations accountable for defrauding
        semblywoman  will  become  the  first                                                                 and overcharging the federal gov-
        woman of color elected to the post in                                                                 ernment. Her resulting wins saved
        the 225-year history of the post’s ex-                                                                millions in taxpayer dollars and pre-
                                                                                                              served the integrity of our medicare
                                                                                                              and medicaid programs.
        Upon announcing her cam-                                                                                  She was also notably part of the
        paign, Rajkumar said: “Every                                                                          legal  team  of  Velez  v.  Novartis,  a
                                                                                                              class action on behalf of 5,000 women
        win I have ever had has been                                                                          workers labeled by the U.N. as one of

        against all odds. I live for this;                                                                    the top 10 cases advancing women’s
        public service is my passion.”                                                                            Rajkumar said, “My experience
                                                                                                              as a lawyer equips me well to be the
            Jenifer’s mom was born in a mud                                                                   Chief Auditor of the City of New York
        hut in India. Her parents immigrated                                                                  who will dig in to the performance of
        to the United States with just $300                                                                   our city agencies.  As a former labor
        and a suitcase. To honor the promise                                                                  attorney, I know how to effective-
        of a country that gave her family so                                                                  ly execute the Comptroller’s role of
        much opportunity, Jenifer decided                                                                     protecting workers by enforcing wage
        to dedicate her life to public service.                                                               violations on public works projects.
        An ivy league educated attorney, she                                                                  As a lawyer I know how to settle le-
        graduated from Stanford Law School                                                                    gal claims against the City and over-
        and the University of Pennsylvania.                                                                   see City contracts, two other critical
        She later spent evenings teaching as                                                                  functions of the Comptroller.”
        a Professor at CUNY’s Lehman Col-                                                                         The Assemblywoman has been
        lege in the Bronx to help sculpt the                                                                  known as “ominpresent” through-
        young minds of the City.                                                                              out the 5 boroughs, often appearing
            Speaking of the Comptroller                                                                       by the  side  of her ally Mayor Eric
        role, Rajkumar said: “Traditionally,                                                                  Adams who has described her as “a
        the Comptroller is a man in an office  foremost be the guardian of the hard-  SMOKEOUT Act enabling New  beast” and “a close friend.” Showing
        crunching numbers, but I will make  earned retirement money of our city  York City to close down over 800 ille-  up  across  the  City  in  her  signature
        it so much more. I am on the ground  workers,  firefighters,  teachers  and  gal smokeshops already, the historic  red dresses, she is a fixture of public
        with the people in every corner of this  police  officers.    I  will  be  laser  fo-  bill establishing Diwali as a School  service known as the Lady in Red.
        City  hearing  firsthand  how  govern-  cused on maximizing pension returns  Holiday in New York City after a 20   About her strong partnership

        ment is and isn’t working for them.  and performance. New Yorkers who  year struggle by the community,  and  with the Mayor, Assemblywoman Ra-
        Together,  we  will  implement  ‘the  worked hard their whole lives deserve  a nationally recognized bill giving do-  jkumar stated: “True change happens
        people’s audits’ of City government.  a healthy pension and a Comptroller  mestic workers the full protections  by collaboration. The way to make
        Government  inefficiency  costs  lives,  with the passion, dedication, and ex-  of New York State’s Human Rights  historic change that will outlive us for
        and we will fix it. Ours is the largest  perience to guard their money.”  Law.                        generations to come is through part-
        municipal budget in the world, and    A  record-breaking  State  Legis-  Her other legislative wins include  nerships across government. It is a
        I have the experience, passion, and  lator, Rajkumar made history as the  several pieces of legislation to make  joy working with my colleagues at all
        energy to make sure that every New  first  South  Asian  American  woman  government work faster and better–  levels of government from the Mayor
        Yorker is getting what they pay for.”  ever elected to a New York State  including passing her bill to speed  to the Governor to the state legisla-
            Speaking of the Comptroller’s  public  office  in  2020,  ousting  an  11  up the City’s procurement process to  ture to the city council.  The greatest
        role as a fiduciary to New York City’s  year incumbent and winning by the  build capital projects more quickly,  moments in government- the historic
        5 public pension funds, totaling near-  largest margin of any insurgent that  legislation making our Courts work  moments that we live for- happen by
        ly $270 billion in assets, Rajkumar  year. In less than 4 years, she passed  more efficiently, and a bill to support  working together. Together, we will
        said: “As Comptroller, I will first and  landmark legislation– including the  crime victims.          take our City to the next level.”

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