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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 22

                NYC Mayor Adams Celebrates City Council

        Approval Of Plan To Create Approximately 7,000

                  New Homes And 10,000 Permanent Jobs

           Plan Will Also Deliver Improved Public Space and Enhanced Transit Access to the Bronx

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams and New
               York City Department of City Planning
        N(DCP) Director and City Planning Com-
        mission (CPC) Chair Dan Garodnick today cel-
        ebrated the New York City Council’s approval of
        the Bronx Metro-North Station Area Plan, the
        first DCP-led neighborhood plan certified and ap-
        proved under the Adams administration. Designed
        to accompany four new Metro-North stations com-
        ing to Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park, Hunts
        Point, and Co-op City in 2027, the plan is expect-
        ed to create approximately 7,000 homes, including
        permanently income-restricted affordable housing,
        and 10,000 permanent jobs, along with improved
        public spaces and enhanced access to mass transit.
        Today’s announcement comes as the Adams ad-
        ministration aims to address the housing crisis with
        the passage of its “City of Yes for Housing Oppor-
        tunity” proposal, which aims to produce as many as
        108,850 new homes over 15 years.
            “Today, the Bronx bought a ticket to the fu-
        ture, creating thousands of new jobs and afford-
        able homes while embracing mass transit, all by
        saying  ‘yes,’”  said  Mayor  Adams.  “The  Bronx   City Council to advance the ‘City of Yes’ propos-  approving the Bronx Metro North Station Plan,
        is saying ‘yes’ to more housing in our backyards,   al and build the desperately needed housing that   which will create economic opportunity and ap-
        communities, and neighborhoods, and serving   New Yorkers deserve across the five boroughs.”   proximately 7,000 new homes — a key building
        as a model to the rest of our city on how to lead   “We hear time and again: New Yorkers, no   block of the larger ‘City of Yes for Housing Op-
        from the front. With our administration’s neigh-  matter what borough they’re in, want walkable,   portunity’ initiative to help make homes within
        borhoods plans and our ‘City of Yes’ proposal, we   connected communities, with access to good jobs   reach for working-class New Yorkers,” said New
        have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build   and plentiful public space,” said Deputy Mayor for   York  City  Mayor’s  Office  of  Talent  and  Work-
        our way out of this housing shortage and afford-  Operations and Metropolitan Transportation Au-  force Development Executive  Director Abby Jo
        ability crisis. I am calling on our partners in the   thority (MTA) Board Member Meera Joshi. “The   Sigal. “The 10,000 new jobs resulting from this an-
        City Council to join us in this fight and deliver on   Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan will deliv-  nouncement, coupled with the city’s commitment
        the promise that working-class families are asking   er exactly that — vibrant, green districts for retail   to apprenticeship, building youth career pathways,
        us to do: build more and make this city more af-  and housing around regional transit hubs that will   and implementing the nation’s largest community
        fordable.”                                   better connect Bronxites to their local commu-  hiring program, will also help drive economic mo-
            “Today marks a significant milestone for our   nities and to the city as a whole. This is what we   bility for New York families and contribute to the
        city as we celebrate the passage of the Bronx Met-  mean when we say a five-borough administration.   city’s shared prosperity.”
        ro-North Area plan, bringing millions in new fund-  Deep thanks to all who have played and will con-  “Delivering housing is one of this administra-
        ing, approximately 7,000 homes — including per-  tinue to play a part.”                    tion’s most crucial tasks, and it’s our duty to ensure
        manent affordable housing — and 10,000 new jobs   “In connection with four new Metro-North   that all housing is supported by functional infra-
        to the Boogie Down Bronx,” said Deputy Mayor   Stations, we are now on track to deliver much-need-  structure and a thriving public realm,” said New
        for Housing, Economic Development, and Work-  ed new homes, jobs, and infrastructure improve-  York City Chief Infrastructure Officer Alison N.
        force Maria Torres-Springer. “Our administration   ments to the East Bronx; improve the quality of   Landry. “The Bronx Metro North Neighborhood
        was laser focused on delivering a plan that ensures   life for residents; and put a real dent in our city-  Plan delivers on this duty with meaningful capital
        Bronxites will see the most benefit from the coming   wide housing crisis,” said DCP Director and CPC   improvements across East Bronx communities.
        stations. I thank the City Council for their leader-  Chair Garodnick. “Thank you to the City Council   Thanks to years of partnership across city agen-
        ship, particularly Councilmembers Farias, Marma-  for supporting this plan to create a more connect-  cies,  elected  officials,  and  the  community,  these
        rato, Riley, and Salamanca, in bringing this vision   ed and vibrant Bronx.”               comprehensive investments reflect the accessible,
        to life. We look forward to continuing our strong   “Public transportation is the connective tissue   safe, and resilient neighborhood planning that all
        partnership with Speaker Adams and the entire   of our city and we applaud the City Council for   New Yorkers deserve.”

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