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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

          Connecticut General Assembly Honors India and

               Indian Americans at India’s 77th Anniversary

        OUR BUREAU

        Stamford, CT
              elebrations have already start-
              ed in the US cities to honor
        CIndia for its 77th Anniversary
        of Independence, being organized by
        the 4.5 million strong Indian Amer-
        ican community. The Connecticut
        Chapter of the Global Organization
        (GOPIO-CT) had a highly successful
        celebration on August 11th with flag
        hoisting at the Stamford Government   Indian Consul Pragya Singh, Darien First Selectman Jon Jon Zagrodzky and CT Representatives Matt Blumenthal and Rachel Khanna along with
        Center, a ceremony with elected Con-                                GOPIO officials at the flag hoisting ceremony
        necticut officials and dignitaries. The
        celebrations, with a colorful festival,  traditional Indian attire, with melo-  community in the state of Connecticut   Indian Consul Pragya Singh who
        then continued at the Mill River Park   dious music from the popular Bol-  and New York’s Westchester County.  is the Consul for Visa and Communi-
        in Stamford.                      lywood world, dances depicting the    The celebration had a combi-  ty Affairs at the Indian Consulate was
            A  floating  crowd  of  over  2,000   wide variety of Indian culture, kite fly-  nation of everything that one would   the honored guest. In her address, she
        people attended flag hoisting at 11.30   ing, spicy Indian cuisine, and booths   want, catering to the diverse needs of   highlighted the accomplishments and
        am followed by the India Festival and   decorated with Indian symbols and   the attendees ranging from a toddler   contributions of the Diaspora. “I’m
        Kite flying at the Mill River Park from   face art, the festivities were a treat   to seniors. Over 20 performances by   very proud to say that the numbers
        12Noon to 4pm. Dressed in colorful   to the fast-growing Indian American   over 100 performers were presented   prove that you have broken many bar-
                                                                            at cultural programs.             riers to become one of the most suc-
                                                                                The day-long celebrations began   cessful immigrant groups in the US.
                                                                            with  the  hoisting  of  the  American   Indian Americans comprise only 1%
                                                                            and Indian flags at the Stamford Gov-  of the US population, but across all
                                                                            ernment Center by Darien First Se-  the sectors, you pay 5 to 6% of income
                                                                            lectman Darien First Selectman Jon   tax. You lead 16 of the Fortune 500
                                                                            Zagrodzky, Rep. Matt Blumenthal   companies, which collectively employ
                                                                            (Stamford/Darien) and Rachel Khan-  7 million Americans and generate
                                                                            na (Greenwich/Stamford) and Indian   nearly 1 trillion USD in revenue.”
                                                                            Consul Pragya Singh. American and     Half a dozen elected officials from
                                                                            Indian  national  anthems  were  sung   Connecticut spoke and lauded the
                                                                            students of Stamford’s Hindi School.  contributions of the Indian Diaspora
                                                                                The program then continued to   locally and nationally, and praised the
                                                                            the adjacent Mill River Park with an   strong values that govern the strategic
                                                                            Independence Day Ceremony which   relationship between India and the
                                                                            was addressed by Indian Consul Prag-  US. They included Darien First Se-
                                                                            ya Singh and several CT state officials.   lectman Jon Zagrodzky, CT State Sen-
                                                                            The ceremony was started by the pro-  ator Ryan Fazio (Senate 36th District,
                                                                            gram Chair Sushanth Krishnamurthy   Greenwich/Stamford/New  Canaan),
                                                                            and program co-chair Sonali Gannu   CT Senator Patricia Billie Miller (Sen-
                                                                            served as the MC who introduced GO-  ate 27th District Stamford/Darien),
                                                                            PIO-CT President Dr. Jaya Daptardar.  and State Representatives Matt Blu-
                                                                                In  her presidential  address, Dr.   menthal (147th  District,  Stamford/
                                                                            Jaya Daptardar described the mis-  Darien), Anabel Figueroa (148th Dis-
                                                                            sion and vision of GOPIO-CT under   trict, Stamford) and Rachel Khanna
                                                                            her leadership. “Our mission at GO-  (149th Greenwich/Stamford). The
                                                                            PIO-CT is to be active participants   elected officials were introduced GO-
                                                                            in the local community through    PIO Chairman and Advisor/Trustee to
                    THE FOUR PEOPLE LIVING ABOVE THIS STORE                 involvement in community events   GOPIO-CT Dr. Thomas ‘Abraham.
                     KILLED BY THIS LITHIUM-ION BATTERY FIRE                and local politics, and by providing   Connecticut General Assembly
                           DIDN’T EVEN OWN A BATTERY.                       services to the Indian community   issued a citation honoring the India
                                                                                                              Day Celebration and presented it to
                                                                            at large here in Connecticut. This
                                                              Learn how
                                                              to stay safe  lofty goal of providing services and   GOPIO-CT. The citation introduced
                                                                            a political voice to the local Indian   by Rep. Blumenthal (147th Dist.
                                                                            population has evolved into an ex-  Stamford/Darien) and supported by
                                                     emplary community service organi-  14 other CT Representatives and Sen-
                                                                            zation thanks to the tremendous sup-  ators congratulated GOPIO-CT for
                                                                            port of our local Indian community.”  celebrating India’s 77th Anniversary.

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